
Hohonu Range from Kapitea Reservoir

Hohonu Range tops August 2013

Hohonu Range tops August 2013

This photo was taken from the knob just SE of Mt Smart and looks eastward through part of the Hohonu ...   More ▶︎
Lake Ruby Hohonu Range

Lake Ruby Hohonu Range

This photo taken while doing a tops traverse of part of the Hohonu Range shows seldom seen Lake Ruby. The ...   More ▶︎
Smart Creek Rock Bivvy, Hohonu Range

Smart Creek Rock Bivvy, Hohonu Range

A large rock in the head basin of Smart Creek. An historic bivvy that has been used since the 1890's. ...   More ▶︎
Historic Rock Bivvy, Hohonu Range

Historic Rock Bivvy, Hohonu Range

This snap shows a man made rock wall at the bivvy. I've displayed a few of the many relics found ...   More ▶︎
View SE from Mt French July 2011

View SE from Mt French July 2011

This pic was taken from the summit of Mt French and looks across the Hohonu Ranges and the Taramakau valley ...   More ▶︎
Glimpse of Lake Brunner from Mt French July 2011

Glimpse of Lake Brunner from Mt French July 2011

This photo was taken while climbing Mt French and looks down past point 1233m, where there is a radio repeater ...   More ▶︎
Mt Alexander in Background

Mt Alexander in Background

Taken from beside radio tower below summit of Mt French at point 1233   More ▶︎
Mt French

Mt French

The track starts approximately 12 km east of Kumara on the Inchbonnie-Kumara Road, or 26 km from Moana following the ...   More ▶︎

Londonderry Rock

A brief walk to a massive boulder.   More ▶︎
Mt Treacey Sept 2013

Mt Treacey Sept 2013

This picture of Mt Treacey in the Hohonu Range was taken from Mt Bruce Murray. You are looking at the ...   More ▶︎
Mt Turiwhate track map

Mt Turiwhate track map

This map shows the gps'd route from SH73 up on to the tussock & rock main ridge leading to Mt ...   More ▶︎
Mt Turiwhate track

Mt Turiwhate track

A route from SH73 at Grahams Creek, Turiwhate up to the tussock tops from where you can continue to the ...   More ▶︎
Eastern Hohonu River headwaters

Eastern Hohonu River headwaters

This photo view is SE in to the heart of the Hohonu Range from about 4km up river of the ...   More ▶︎
Mt Turiwhate July 2012

Mt Turiwhate July 2012

This pic was taken from Kawhaka Creek and looks east toward the summit of Turiwhate. (1373m) Various creeks provide access up ...   More ▶︎
Elle dog on Mt Turiwhate track April 2014

Elle dog on Mt Turiwhate track April 2014

This picture was taken about 500 metres up Grahams Creek from SH73 where the Turiwhate track leaves the creek bed ...   More ▶︎
Taff Tor etc. Hohonu Range Feb 2019

Taff Tor etc. Hohonu Range Feb 2019

I took this photo when traversing southward down the Hohonu Range. Taff Tor which is the second high point just left ...   More ▶︎
Heart of Hohonu Range from Mt Ruberslaw

Heart of Hohonu Range from Mt Ruberslaw

Taken Feb 2019 this photo looks WNW to the main Hohonu Range from beside the Ruberslaw trig. Many of the peaks ...   More ▶︎
Three Hohonu Peaks

Three Hohonu Peaks

This picture was taken in March 2013 from the Hohonu Ridge tops east of Castle Hill. i.e. This photo is ...   More ▶︎

Goldsborough Camping Area

Small grassy campsite on the site of the old Goldsborough gold town, home to 6350 people back in 1867. The site ...   More ▶︎

German Gully / Goff's Track

A circuit through the Goldsborough gold diggings.   More ▶︎
Mt Ruberslaw trig beacon etc Feb 2019

Mt Ruberslaw trig beacon etc Feb 2019

This photo shows an historic iron pipe trig (survey triangulation beacon) that remains standing on Mt Ruberslaw, Hohonu Range. It ...   More ▶︎
Plane Crash Memorial Mt Turiwhate

Plane Crash Memorial Mt Turiwhate

This photo shows the memorial to Lynch and Renton who were killed in the first fatal plane crash in Westland ...   More ▶︎
Goldsborough tunnel

Goldsborough tunnel

This old sluicing tunnel cuts through the hillside at the start of the Terrace Tunnel Walk, Goldsborough.   More ▶︎
Terrace Tunnel Walk

Terrace Tunnel Walk

Short loop exploring tailings and tunnels near Goldsborough.   More ▶︎
Turiwhate tops Sept 2013

Turiwhate tops Sept 2013

This photo is of Neil B on the Turiwhate tops about 10 minutes SE of where the TL Grahams Ck ...   More ▶︎
Murk on the Turiwhate tops Sept 2012

Murk on the Turiwhate tops Sept 2012

This picture looking SE shows in the right hand foreground the third bump north west of the Mt Turiwhate summit ...   More ▶︎
Mt Turiwhate from the Griffin Range

Mt Turiwhate from the Griffin Range

This is a July pic of the Turiwhate tops taken from the Griffin Range. Mt Turiwhate is largely ignored by Trampers ...   More ▶︎
View NE from Mt Turiwhate trig

View NE from Mt Turiwhate trig

This photo was taken autumn 2010 whilst doing a traverse of the higher bumps on the Turiwhate Range. Unlike at ...   More ▶︎
Turiwhate trig October 2020

Turiwhate trig October 2020

A view from near the trig looking south eastward. The true highpoint of the Turiwhate Range is framed by the ...   More ▶︎
Mt Turiwhate Summit

Mt Turiwhate Summit

Tate and Jared with the Trig after an entertaining climb up Turiwhate and across the tops   More ▶︎
Griffin Creek

Griffin Creek

The route in to Griffin Creek Hut from the highway.   More ▶︎
Griffin Range

Griffin Range

A traverse of undulating tops to the summit of Mount Griffin. Good camping next to pretty tarns, striking cliffs, and ...   More ▶︎
Relic from Griffin Range Serpentine Mine May 2010

Relic from Griffin Range Serpentine Mine May 2010

This pic was taken at the old mine area where there are lots of relics. The perspective is looking NE ...   More ▶︎
On top of Carew Falls mid 1970's

On top of Carew Falls mid 1970's

This pic is about 35 years old. Carew Falls have been a tourist attraction since the early 1900's. Presumably promotion ...   More ▶︎
Carew Falls June 2011

Carew Falls June 2011

We popped into have a look at the falls yesterday. For me it was the first visit for many years. ...   More ▶︎
View of Turiwhate Range from the SW

View of Turiwhate Range from the SW

This photo looking up to the crest of the range was taken from a gap in the scrub zone of ...   More ▶︎
Turiwhate Range from the South West

Turiwhate Range from the South West

On Sunday I walked up Mt Turiwhate from the SW. Historically the range has usually been accessed from the NW ...   More ▶︎
Carew Falls

Carew Falls

A brief climb to the Carew Falls behind the Lake Brunner Lodge   More ▶︎
Negotiating treefall - Griffin Tops track

Negotiating treefall - Griffin Tops track

It's familiar, but climbing over on the return. Took a way around on the ascent.   More ▶︎