Mt Treacey Sept 2013
This picture of Mt Treacey in the Hohonu Range was taken from Mt Bruce Murray. You are looking at the upper Western faces of Treacey. The snow capped mountains in the back ground are the alps south of the Taramakau River.
I climbed Mt Bruce Murray from Treacey Flat beside the Taramakau River. The route is untracked. Besides the normal vegetation challenges bluffs in the tall bush & the scrub zone have to be negotiated. (I'd spied out a route from a trip up to the Mt Smart tops) It took me 3hrs 20mins to reach the summit with just a couple of ten minute breaks on the way up.
Powelliphanta snail shells were noted in the scrub zone & in the tussock SW of Mt Bruce Murray.
glennj You can climb Mt Treacey via the left hand ridge you can see in the photo. What appear from a distance to be blocking butresses are climbable or may be sidled (slower) to the NE.
19 March 2017
ID 8763
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