Relic from Griffin Range Serpentine Mine May 2010

Relic from Griffin Range Serpentine Mine  May 2010

This pic was taken at the old mine area where there are lots of relics. The perspective is looking NE back along the Griffin Range (left side of picture) with the bump being Wilson Knob. The high point in the distance is Mt Alexander.

From the old serpentine mine it takes just half an hour to get to the top of Mt Griffin.



  • trishs Hello Glenn - sorry can't find the mail facility on this web site - could you please email me at
    6 September 2012
  • glennj glennj Hi "trishs" use the mail facility on this site to get hold of me & tell me more. [I have lots of West Coast mining relic photos. Very few of them are on this site]
    6 September 2012
  • trishs Would like to contact Glennj - I wish to get his permission to use the photograph of old mine relics at Mt Griffin for a historic panel.
    5 September 2012
ID 5947

About this photograph

Added 26 September 2010 by glennj. No revisions.


All rights reserved
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