Lake Ruby Hohonu Range
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This photo taken while doing a tops traverse of part of the Hohonu Range shows seldom seen Lake Ruby. The pyramid like peak in the background is Mt Treacey.
This trip I got on to the range west of Mt Smart and travelled generally eastward as far as Deutgam Peak then turned around and started heading back. A night was spent while heading in each direction at the rock bivvy in the head of Smart Creek. (this is about a 1km detour each way down in to and back out of a basin )
Mt Smart, Deutgam Peak, the rock bivvy and Lake Ruby are flagged on the accompanying map.
iceaxe Hi Guys, randomly came across this post and registered so I could post a reply. Myself and two others strolled across to Deutgam Peak from the main ridge, while doing a circuit of the tops end of Dec 1980. There were only two trigs we didnt have time to squeeze in, they were Ruberslaw and Smart. Water was scarce as, having to siphon out of dry creek heads 200 feet below tops with a metre long length of transparent flex plastic tubing. The Bowie album Scary Monsters always reminds me of that trip as it had just come out a few months prior, and the music seemed to suit the rugged granite landscape
28 June 2022
glennj Yep! I haven't met anyone else or heard/read of anyone else that has walked in and been to the top of Deutgam Peak. 50+ years ago someone hunting, prospecting or exploring probably has though? Occasionally fly in chamois hunters camp in this general area.
19 January 2019
lewshaw Good work! Won`t have been many before you in there.
14 January 2019
ID 16765
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