Heart of Hohonu Range from Mt Ruberslaw

Heart of Hohonu Range from Mt Ruberslaw

Taken Feb 2019 this photo looks WNW to the main Hohonu Range from beside the Ruberslaw trig.

Many of the peaks are un-named but the highest bump back right is Taff Tor which actually looks more impressive from its other side. This is rugged country that is largely untracked.

This time I visited via an un-named lake in the TL branch of Rubieslaw Creek but there are easier routes to get up on to Ruberslaw.

The map pointers show Ruberslaw where the photo was taken from and Taff Tor on the crest of the Hohonu Range toward the right hand side of the photo.



  • glennj glennj Best viewed in wide screen!
    3 March 2019
ID 16859

About this photograph

Added 3 March 2019 by glennj. No revisions.


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