Things I have learnt!

One subject/lesson/paragraph per post - keep it short, things you have learnt, 1 liners of experience. Lest see if we can get a wonderful post of epithets going. I'll start:
31–40 of 92

Lighter more expensive gear means you can carry more non-essential crap.
So true, Matthew on last 2 points! That nice flat patch of silt you pitched your tent on is the footprint where a puddle forms: when it rains, the puddle will form on the floor of your tent!
That boulder mid stream that if you just stretch with a small jump will get you across dry (yeah right). Some how they always move or are alot more slippery than you imagined.
Good point. Another I've come to like is that wet feet early can mean much better decisions later on.
When using supple jack as a rope to descend a steep bank remember it has better stretch properties than industrial rubber>
..but it's very good at catching you, even if that's not what you want.
Also with supplejack, remember it's attached at the ground, not the top. ;-)
Supple jack a source of much humour and frustration lol
Short wet snowgrass is LETHAL! (I have two dead friends who found this out the hard way). I now always use an ice axe on steep ground - snow or not.
I keep doing long walks in soft(er) soled shoes and end up stone bruised. I've finally got the message: just because there is about 80m elevation over 25km doesn't mean it's easy terrain! PUT ON THE BOOTS.
31–40 of 92

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Forum The campfire
Started by clive.s
On 10 January 2010
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