Things I have learnt!

One subject/lesson/paragraph per post - keep it short, things you have learnt, 1 liners of experience. Lest see if we can get a wonderful post of epithets going. I'll start:
41–50 of 92

Walk slower. In the end, you will get there quicker.
Getting to the top is only ever half way, the hard bit is still to come.
Aint that the truth!
Wear sunglasses on the tops if the wind is blowing and the sun is not shinning.
An overwhelming majority of accidents occur on the descent of something as opposed to the ascent. It is when a person is likely more fatigued and less attentive.
If almost-boiled water is good enough, you can save some fuel by only almost boiling. (A certain amount of energy is required for the water to change state, and the temperature doesn't increase while this is happening.)
Keep receipts!
A comb is most excellent for effortlessly removing hook grass from hairy legs
food (esp chocolate) tastes like gold after a long day tramping :-)
... and sexy toe socks team nicely with jandals for around the hut and keep the sandflies from biting at the ankles.
41–50 of 92

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Forum The campfire
Started by clive.s
On 10 January 2010
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