Things I have learnt!

1–10 of 92

One subject/lesson/paragraph per post - keep it short, things you have learnt, 1 liners of experience. Lest see if we can get a wonderful post of epithets going. I'll start:
Never buy cheap nylon cordage from the hardware store, it's rubbish, stick with quality accessory cord.
Ahh yes. Long after price is forgotten, Quality is remembered.
Digital cameras, if carried on a hip pouch, need to have some sort of padding around them or else whenever you take your pack off you run the risk of smashing their screen (which for some reason is more expensive to replace then the intire camera cost to buy in the first place!!!)!
Always check the hut twice before you leave the thing you need most at the next stop is usually still on the table
If you have any electronics with you - ensure they are at least splash proof. 15 minutes into the day, I slipped on a rock in a 20cm deep creek and fell on my side. Hurt my pride more, but there's a lesson for you.
Never anchor the guy ropes of your tent to the tow bar of the car. Yes, I actually had to learn that the hard way.
always carry toilet paper with you, even on daytramps!, it can come in handy!!
The words: should, could, would, maybe, might and may all mean yes and now if you're dithering on a map/route check.
Always take sufficient wine on a tramp, to avoid the awful discovery of when the bottle is empty!
1–10 of 92

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Forum The campfire
Started by clive.s
On 10 January 2010
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