Things I have learnt!

One subject/lesson/paragraph per post - keep it short, things you have learnt, 1 liners of experience. Lest see if we can get a wonderful post of epithets going. I'll start:
11–20 of 92

When i did the Greenstone track in march this year a father and son had a bottle of Whiskey with them
When in NZ, if you "think" you are off the track follow your steps back to the last point where you "were" on track, don't try to hack your way through the bush towards where you "believe" the track is.
Pack-floating doesn't work nearly as well if you've removed your sleeping bag.
When moving through supplejack do not hit the supplejack too hard. Newtons law applies here, it will retaliate with an equal and opposite force.
Your boots and feet will get wet. Do not entertain the fantasy that they wont.
When practicing river crossing, do not try to simulate the bulk and weight of a full pack by filling it with rocks.
When bush-bashing, attach nothing to the outside.
When bush-bashing, light sunglasses aren't that dumb an idea
Marcel Marceau can keep his little girls... give me well rooted snowgrass every time! (Learnt while sidling up a narrow ledge atop a vertical 800m bit of Fiordland.)
NO! I will not attempt to retrieve your nice shiny new waterproof, crushproof, fiddly buttoned, dinky little pocket rocket camera from the long drop, even if you can see it on top of everything.
11–20 of 92

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Forum The campfire
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