Tramping illegal

Tramping is now officially illegal.
121–130 of 214

this Dr argues against isolation and presents his argument, its not actually in itself reducing deaths that much, he claims its not worse than the flu for death rate, its more about the speed of transmission. the longer you isolate the worse your immune system gets.... the more you sterilise the worse your immune system gets.... you need regular exposure to bugs to keep your immune system working well... its the theorists who are driving the isolation theories you just isolate the people who have known immune issues.... and the elderly... the rest of the people will largely be fine... practicing self isolation drives your immune system down because its exposure to bugs drops... you need regular exposure to bugs to keep your immune system healthy. friend of mines wife is a microbiologist, she has banned detergents from the house...
This is not the forum to have detailed, nuanced discussion. I'll simply note that there are difference between bacteria and viruses and how the immune system reacts. Exposure to bacteria builds a level of immunity, novel viruses are a different concern. We don't even know, yet, if having the virus gives *any* immunity to subsequent infection at all (or, if some immunity, for how long - 2 months? a year? lifelong?) I believe it's practical experts (ie practicing medical professionals with expertise in epidemiology) who are advising Government, not "theorists". Mortality rate for covid-19 appears to be 2-4% compared to seasonal flu of <0.1%. That's a big difference.
Mortality rate is so variable, as they have no idea how many people have actually been infected. There is a huge number of people that have been asymptomatic. Last article I read the estimate as low as 0.6% It's the old people (and immunocompromised) that are the ones with higher risk, including NZ Take them out of the equation and the mortality figures don't seem so high. Lies, damn lies and statistics. I hope to do as many day walks, in my region, from next week.

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Dont forget the victims of the recently discovered and probably unrecorded symptom. Blood clots and strokes. Not all stroke victims have been checked for covid but covid could of been the cause of otherwise healthy people having a severe stroke and dieing
MSC have produced a new website which tells you what you can or can't do in your area: Just select your area and intended activity and voilà you're informed if it is illegal or not.
another tv1 news article telling you , you can only drive ten mins from home....
Easy answer to that watch tv3
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I'll be intrested to hear how far people get when they travel at Level 3, i'm trying to go about 20km from home. i'm thinking of trying 35km later.
This, as far as I can see is the current Health Order that regulates what we can and cannot do under level 3 from 11.59 pm tonight: Of relevance to what we can do in the outdoors: (7) Permissions for essential personal movement or recreation A person is permitted to do any of the following as essential personal movement: Limited recreation purposes (e) leave their home or place of residence for the purpose of exercise or other recreation if— (i) it is done in an outdoor place appropriate for that kind of exercise or recreation that is readily accessible (including by using their vehicle) from their home or place of residence (and, in any case, is within the same or an adjacent region); and (ii) it is done in compliance with the requirements that relate to physical distancing (see clause 6(1)(b)) and the prohibition against congregating (see clause 11); and (iii) it does not involve flying manned aircraft, scuba-diving, hunting in motorised vehicles, or water-based activities involving sailing boats, motorised craft, or motorised equipment; and (iv) it does not involve any other activities that expose the participant to danger (taking account of their experience and abilities): **I see no prohibition against overnight tramping or longer day trips within your own region at level 3. Of course, if you break your leg and get rescued you're by definition in breach of (7)(e)(iv) and presumably you will (and deserve to) get the book thrown at you. ** Edited to add, looking at it again, section 6: >(6)(1) >All persons within all regions of New Zealand must be isolated or quarantined as follows: >(a) >to remain at their current home or place of residence, except for essential personal movement; would preclude overnight tramping. Still, day trips, driving to a local road end to do a day trip are OK.
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Section 6 rules out overnighting still, but the Regional Map is here. 'Close to home' will be the clincher. ""If you live on a regional boundary, this might mean travelling to a neighbouring region. This is fine as long as it’s still local and a close distance from your home."" - Covid-19.Govt Level 3 advice
121–130 of 214

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