Tramping illegal

Tramping is now officially illegal.
141–150 of 214

fishing on a small island in a river with a closed fishing season at that spot and a heavy rain warning for its headwaters. This is one of the few times they can prosecute stupidity
Read this yesterday and the article is rather light on specifics as to how the angler got there or why they were on the island as opposed to the riverbanks so could be hard to pass too negative judgement at this stage. Obviously if they just wandered (or boated...) over then got stuck that is a different story.
theres a push to get domestic travel allowed around the country at level 2, no doubt with safe distancing on public transport... govt announces the details on thursday afternoon
This just came through from Rangiora Tramping club "I have just heard from a friend that Rayonier have been told by DOC to keep the gate at Mt Grey locked as they don’t consider it a ‘local’ area for us avid trampers. Bother!! If you get a moment would you mind sending this to club members. Many thanks, keep safe." Tui Glen doesnt have a gate so it must be more local perhaps. Lots of snow up there today
Yes I saw that on the DOC website for Mt Grey - > "1 May 2020: Mount Grey/Maukatere tracks closed Cramptons Bush Road gate, providing public access through Ashley Forest to Mt Grey/Maukatere Conservation Area, remains closed under COVID-19 Alert Level 3. This is due to the area requiring vehicle access via backcountry (not local) gravel roads with increased risks and hazards. >DOC has made the decision for the area to remain closed – do not contact Rayonier Matariki Forests for public access. >First published on 24 March 2020. Last reviewed on 1 May 2020"
Anyone know if Wooded Gully is closed? Not that it's local for me...
I went for a drive yesterday past the start of that road. Thought about looking. My guess is that there is a gate at the start of the park that can be closed so it will be. Tui Glen doesnt have a gate so you might find some plastic tape strung across the road
Covid Level 2, only mention by PM of travel allowed was to go and visit people. no mention of travelling for recreation...
She did say that travel for tourism was acceptable under Level 2, surely that means that travel outdoor recreation is acceptable?
I went to Wooded Gully last week. The gate is closed, but there were quite a few cars parked outside. There was no signage to say it was closed. My interpretation was that easy walking there was allowed under level 3 (I live nearby).
1 deleted post from matthew
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