
Serpentine Range & Swamp Creek

West side of Nereus

West side of Nereus

From near Pt 1740   More ▶︎
The Serpentine Range and the Three Passes

The Serpentine Range and the Three Passes

A six day trip around the Three Passes, including a traverse of the Serpentine Range instead of the North Route ...   More ▶︎
Rockburn - Lake Nerine - North Routeburn

Rockburn - Lake Nerine - North Routeburn

A slightly shorter option to the 5 passes trip but of similar if not more difficulty. Can be done in ...   More ▶︎
Ice Cave

Ice Cave

Remnants of winter snow fall melted from underneath by the North Routeburn. Taken from just below North Col.   More ▶︎
Hidden Falls Creek

Hidden Falls Creek

Most of the creek above the big bend; from between North Col & Serpentine Saddle   More ▶︎
Hollyford Valley

Hollyford Valley

thick cloud fills the Hollyford Valley as we sidle on the 1600m contour to North Col (Prospector Peak in the ...   More ▶︎
North Col from Serpentine Range

North Col from Serpentine Range

Looking north from Peak 1550 towards North Col. Peak 1796, which anchors the northern end of the Serpentine Range, rises ...   More ▶︎
View north from Nereus Peak

View north from Nereus Peak

The ridge east of Nereus Peak summit can be reached by a straight forward climb from North Col. Looking north ...   More ▶︎
Tutuko & Madeline

Tutuko & Madeline

Looking across at Mt Tutuko and Madeline across a cloud filled Hollyford Valley. This is during a rest on the ...   More ▶︎
On the Serpentine Range

On the Serpentine Range

Looking south down the range from flat topped Peak 1550, over the unnamed lake that drains into the North Route ...   More ▶︎
Summer 2017

Summer 2017

January 2017 was complete garbage. While on the Serpentine Range we awoke to found our camp site under snow!   More ▶︎
North Branch Route Burn

North Branch Route Burn

From near small tarn on Serpentine Range   More ▶︎
Swamp Creek

Swamp Creek

From Serpentine Saddle   More ▶︎
The tops of the Darran Mountains - Fjordland NZ

The tops of the Darran Mountains - Fjordland NZ

The exit from the Lake Nerine basin when heading to North Col overlooks the lower end of Hidden Falls Ck ...   More ▶︎
Lake Nerine

Lake Nerine

Looking back at Lake Nerine from the ridge at its head. Mt Earnslaw in the distance   More ▶︎
Lake Hyslop

Lake Hyslop

Small lake beside the Serpentine Saddle   More ▶︎
A fresh look at the descent to Lake Nerine.

A fresh look at the descent to Lake Nerine.

If visiting the lake from Park Pass it is inevitable you will find yourself at the top of this slope ...   More ▶︎
Five Passes via Lake Nerine and North Col

Five Passes via Lake Nerine and North Col

A classic tramp north of the Routeburn. Rather than exit via the Rockburn, we extended the trip through Lake Nerine ...   More ▶︎
Theatre Flat from above

Theatre Flat from above

Looking back down at Theatre Flat from the lip of the hanging valley that holds lake Nerine   More ▶︎
Camp at Lake Nerine

Camp at Lake Nerine

This has to be every tramper's dream. A camp at Lake Nerine in perfect windless conditions   More ▶︎
Rockburn Skyline

Rockburn Skyline

panorama of the Rockburn from Park Pass Glacier to Theatre Flat - from the outlet of Lake Nerine Feb 2013   More ▶︎
Park Pass Glacier

Park Pass Glacier

From near pt 1796 south of North Col   More ▶︎
Lake Nerine

Lake Nerine

The first view you get of Lake Nerine as you cross the saddle by Point 1594. Jan 2017   More ▶︎
Lakelet in the Humboldt Mountains - Mt.Aspiring NP NZ.

Lakelet in the Humboldt Mountains - Mt.Aspiring NP NZ.

Perched high above the Rockburn valley floor, near to Lake Nerine only a little northward toward Park Pass.   More ▶︎
A tarn on the way to Lake Nerine

A tarn on the way to Lake Nerine

This tarn is a very attractive place to stop for a while on the way to Lake Nerine. While it ...   More ▶︎
Close up of Park Pass Glacier

Close up of Park Pass Glacier

Showing the snout of the glacier with the tip obscured by the rock wall. Taken from above the steep snowgrass ...   More ▶︎
On the Serpentine Range 2

On the Serpentine Range 2

Looking north from near Point 1489 over the saddle at Point 1410. There is good looking camping on the saddle. ...   More ▶︎
Looking back towards Park Pass

Looking back towards Park Pass

It is a steep snowgrass sidle from Park Pass to this point but the view is rewarding   More ▶︎
to Lake Nerine

to Lake Nerine

on the sidle to Lake Nerine, looking back to Park Pass Glacier   More ▶︎
The route to Lake Nerine from Park Pass

The route to Lake Nerine from Park Pass

Looking from the moraine of Park Pass glacier, the steep snowgrass slopes can be seen to the south. These slopes ...   More ▶︎
The North Branch of the Routeburn

The North Branch of the Routeburn

Our final camp in the North Branch of the Routeburn. North Col, which we have just come through, is in ...   More ▶︎
Theatre Flat

Theatre Flat

Half way up the Rockburn is the giant Theatre Flats. Lake Nerine is at the top of the bluffs at ...   More ▶︎
Theatre Flat

Theatre Flat

Approaching Theatre Flat from down valley. On a nice day it's a pleasant place to camp, not so much this ...   More ▶︎
Bridge in the Rockburn

Bridge in the Rockburn

This fine bridge provides an easy crossing of the Rockburn just below Theatre Flat   More ▶︎
Hobbs Bivvy, Routeburn North Branch

Hobbs Bivvy, Routeburn North Branch

Great dry bivvy located under a giant boulder in the north branch of the Routeburn. Sleeps 4 or 5 but ...   More ▶︎
Hobbs Bivvy, Route Burn North Branch

Hobbs Bivvy, Route Burn North Branch

A dry and sheltered bivvy underneath a giant boulder in the North Branch of the Route Burn. Sleeps 4 or ...   More ▶︎
Big Bay - Pyke - Hollyford Road-end Route

Big Bay - Pyke - Hollyford Road-end Route

Big Bay - Pyke - Hollyford Road-end Route as tramped by us in May 2012 and recorded with Garmin GPS60csx   More ▶︎
The Hidden Falls

The Hidden Falls

Located on the Hollyford track about 3 hours from the carpark.   More ▶︎
Five Passes

Five Passes

A classic trip starting and finishing at the Routeburn road. The five passes are; Sugarloaf pass, Park pass, Cow saddle, Fiery ...   More ▶︎
Mt Tutoko and the Darrans from Lake Wilson

Mt Tutoko and the Darrans from Lake Wilson

While on a circuit of Lake Wilson, Peak 1680 is a hard scramble on the northwestern corner of the lake. ...   More ▶︎
Park Pass

Park Pass

On the five passes route. The upper Rock Burn from Park Pass. taken Jan 2010   More ▶︎
Early morning reflection

Early morning reflection

Taken from the top of Park Pass looking south towards the route into Lake Nerine   More ▶︎
View of the Rockburn from Park Pass Bivvy

View of the Rockburn from Park Pass Bivvy

As you ascend the Rockburn, perhaps as part of the Five Passes Walk, you can take advantage of a rock ...   More ▶︎
Park Pass and the Rockburn

Park Pass and the Rockburn

the climb to Park Pass Glacier opens views down the Rockburn and the sidle to Lake Nerine Feb 2013   More ▶︎
Camping at Lake Wilson

Camping at Lake Wilson

When the snows gone, the head of the lake is a spectacular place to pitch your tent. January 2017   More ▶︎
Lake Wilson

Lake Wilson

Near the Harris Saddle on the Routeburn Track   More ▶︎
Lake Wilson and the Valley of the Trolls

Lake Wilson and the Valley of the Trolls

An overnight or multiday scenic diversion from the Routeburn Great Walk. The Valley of the Trolls is easily accessed from ...   More ▶︎
Routes up Mt Erebus

Routes up Mt Erebus

There are at least 3 possible routes to climb Erebus from Lake Wilson. The red and blue routes go up ...   More ▶︎
Stormy skies over Lake Wilson

Stormy skies over Lake Wilson

It blew but didn't come to much   More ▶︎
Lake Wilson from near Mt Erebus

Lake Wilson from near Mt Erebus

I didnt summit Erebus due to exhaustion and the snow conditions but from 1860m the view is almost as fine! ...   More ▶︎
Hidden Falls Hut

Hidden Falls Hut

first DOC Hut on the Hollyford track   More ▶︎
Hidden Falls Hut

Hidden Falls Hut

Hidden Falls Hut (12 bunk, stove, firewood available) is a serviced hut about 1.5-2.5 hours from the Hollyford roadend on ...   More ▶︎
Park Pass Glacier

Park Pass Glacier

some of the breath-taking scenery on the descent from the glacier Feb 2013   More ▶︎
Terminal lakes of Park Pass glacier

Terminal lakes of Park Pass glacier

To the north of Park Pass (1175m) is Poseidon Pk(2208m) from which flows Park Pass glacier to appx 1500m. It ...   More ▶︎
Park Pass glacier - close up the snout.

Park Pass glacier - close up the snout.

The neve certainly looks very accessible from the terminal end. It was only the time factor which disallowed us the ...   More ▶︎
Lake Wilson Panorama

Lake Wilson Panorama

Lake Wilson with Mt Erebus and Mt Xenicus above. 5th Jan 2013   More ▶︎
Park Pass Glacier

Park Pass Glacier

a highly recommended side trip on the 5 Passes tramp Feb 2013   More ▶︎
Southern (waterfall) route up Erebus

Southern (waterfall) route up Erebus

A photgraph from near the bottom of the climb up the southern route to Erebus (I had just climbed down ...   More ▶︎
Lake Wilson from the outlet

Lake Wilson from the outlet

The first view of Lake Wilson you are greeted with upon reaching the lake. Theres good camping here. 5th Jan ...   More ▶︎
Harris Saddle and Valley of the Trolls from Lake Wilson outlet

Harris Saddle and Valley of the Trolls from Lake Wilson outlet

At the top of the climb to Lake Wilson this great view is to be had when looking south. Ocean ...   More ▶︎
Hollyford Track

Hollyford Track

The Hollyford Track is a classic lowland Fiordland route from the Hollyford Road out to the coast at Martins Bay.   More ▶︎
Lake Unknown

Lake Unknown

Lake Unknown lies high between the Beans Burn & the Rockburn. The Dart Valley is visible behind about 750 meters ...   More ▶︎

Lake Unknown

Overnight trip to Lake Unknown   More ▶︎
The Route up to Lake Wilson

The Route up to Lake Wilson

It begins here at the foot of the waterfall at the head of the Valley of the Trolls and climbs ...   More ▶︎
Valley of the Trolls, January 16, 2012

Valley of the Trolls, January 16, 2012

Result of 24 hours snow fall on Jan 14 & 15. What about summer! Looking back towards the Routeburn Track.   More ▶︎
Valley of the Trolls Rock bivvy

Valley of the Trolls Rock bivvy

Rock bivvy underneath an overhanging cliff about half way up the Valley of the Trolls and about 40m above the ...   More ▶︎
Valley of the Trolls Rock bivvy

Valley of the Trolls Rock bivvy

Rock bivvy formed by an overhanging cliff. Probably enough room for about a dozen people but the northern end is ...   More ▶︎
Valley of the Trolls from rock bivy

Valley of the Trolls from rock bivy

Despite the abundance of boulders in the Valley of the Trolls, there is vertually no natural shelter here. One place ...   More ▶︎
Ultramafic rocks, Hidden Falls Creek

Ultramafic rocks, Hidden Falls Creek

On the five passes route. Ultramafic rocks in upper Hidden Falls creek. taken Jan 2010   More ▶︎
Looking up the Rockburn

Looking up the Rockburn

From Sugarloaf pass, this is the view of the Rockburn that greets you after you cross   More ▶︎
Haast to The Divide

Haast to The Divide

Andrew Barker's traverse 2009. From Pleasant Flat in the Haast to The Divide via Mt Aspiring National Park.   More ▶︎
Lake Harris Western Shore

Lake Harris Western Shore

The western end of Lake Harris looking towards the entrance to the Valley of the Trolls. The route to the ...   More ▶︎
The Valley of the Trolls

The Valley of the Trolls

Looking into the rain swept valley. The route in climbs over the rocks on the True Right of the Route ...   More ▶︎
Camp on Sugarloaf Pass

Camp on Sugarloaf Pass

A good way to start a trip going into the Rockburn is to leave Glenorchy late in the day and ...   More ▶︎
North Routeburn Rock bivvy

North Routeburn Rock bivvy

I've guessed the location from a description but don't take my word for it.   More ▶︎
North Route Burn Rock bivvy

North Route Burn Rock bivvy

2 person biv rumoured to be 500m from the Routeburn Track in the North Branch of the Route Burn on ...   More ▶︎
Lake Harris from Conical Hill

Lake Harris from Conical Hill

If you are walking the Routeburn Track, don't miss the opportunity to climb Conical Hill from the Harris Saddle shelter. ...   More ▶︎
Camp on Hidden Falls Creek

Camp on Hidden Falls Creek

looking upstream, our campsite high on Hidden Falls Creek was a little exposed but above the early morning mist   More ▶︎
Routeburn Falls

Routeburn Falls

Located near the Falls hut these impressive falls are passed on the way to Harris Saddle.   More ▶︎
Harris Saddle, Routeburn

Harris Saddle, Routeburn

Harris Saddle, Routeburn, Sept 2006   More ▶︎
Routeburn Falls Hut

Routeburn Falls Hut

A modern hut on the Routeburn track. It is at bushline on the edge of the cirque that leads up ...   More ▶︎
Routeburn Falls hut

Routeburn Falls hut

Routeburn Falls hut - great views (April 2009)   More ▶︎
Great Walks Information

Great Walks Information

The DOC Great Walks are a set of premium tramping tracks throughout New Zealand.   More ▶︎
Parorama from Harris Saddle

Parorama from Harris Saddle

several photographs put together to create a panoramic view   More ▶︎
Routeburn Track

Routeburn Track

An internationally renowned and popular alpine crossing between Fiordland and Lake Wakatipu.   More ▶︎
Routeburn Flats

Routeburn Flats

Grassy camping next to Routeburn Flats Hut.   More ▶︎
Lake Harris

Lake Harris

January 2009, Although it doesn't look like, we had awesome weather :)   More ▶︎
Lake Harris, Routeburn Track.

Lake Harris, Routeburn Track.

From Lake Harris and Harris Saddle, the Left Branch of the Route Burn leads up to the Lake Wilson (at ...   More ▶︎
Old Routeburn Falls Hut 1989

Old Routeburn Falls Hut 1989

The old Routeburn Falls Hut I stayed at in 2 November 1989 and 23 January 1990. Picture from November 1989. ...   More ▶︎
Harris Saddle Shelter

Harris Saddle Shelter

Enclosed day shelter perched on Harris Saddle, on the Routeburn Track. Overnight use prohibited. A side trip from here leads ...   More ▶︎
Routeburn Flats Hut

Routeburn Flats Hut

A large hut on the Routeburn Track, often bypassed for the Routeburn Falls Hut which is 1 hour further along ...   More ▶︎
Lake Whakatipu from Sugarloaf

Lake Whakatipu from Sugarloaf

On the five passes route. Lake Whakatipu from just above Sugarloaf pass. taken Jan 2010   More ▶︎
Mount Aspiring National Park

Mount Aspiring National Park

The third-largest national park, although most of its space is under-utilised. The Routeburn is the second busiest trail in New ...   More ▶︎
Routeburn Tops

Routeburn Tops

The Route Burn meanders through this basin beneach Harris Saddle.   More ▶︎
Routeburn Flats

Routeburn Flats

An interesting hours excursion from Routeburn Falls hut takes you up the hill to the South of the hut giving ...   More ▶︎
beansburn track

beansburn track

a route that follows the beansburn valley. lake unknown can be reached from here. times: beansburn mouth-rock bivvy no 1 1-1.5 ...   More ▶︎


Taken from a slip below the Routeburn Falls hut (April 2009)   More ▶︎
Damaged bridge between Routeburn Falls and Routeburn Flats Huts

Damaged bridge between Routeburn Falls and Routeburn Flats Huts

Photograph courtesy of DOC, I think. Around 30 April. Repairs not expected for about 3 months. This creek is easily ...   More ▶︎
Emily Creek

Emily Creek

In Emily Creek looking down towards the bridge. Once you you get past the initial large boulders it's a typical ...   More ▶︎
Dart River

Dart River

looking down the Dart - about to head into the forest Feb 2013   More ▶︎
The track is booked out? Try

The track is booked out? Try

SMS texts directly to your cellphone when a place becomes available. Free of charge!   More ▶︎
Routeburn Flats

Routeburn Flats

The view over Routeburn Flats is the quintessential photo of the Routeburn Track   More ▶︎
Morning mist, Hidden Falls creek

Morning mist, Hidden Falls creek

On the five passes route. Morning mist in upper Hidden Falls creek, not far from Cow saddle. taken Jan 2010   More ▶︎
Beans Burn waterfall

Beans Burn waterfall

On the five passes route. Waterfall mid Beans Burn. taken Jan 2010   More ▶︎
Rees-Dart Track

Rees-Dart Track

Alpine circuit along two river valleys at the head of Lake Wakatipu.   More ▶︎
Emily Basin

Emily Basin

High above the Routeburn at the top of Emily Creek, about 1.5 hours climb from Emily Creek bridge. Fraser Col ...   More ▶︎