Routes up Mt Erebus

Routes up Mt Erebus

There are at least 3 possible routes to climb Erebus from Lake Wilson. The red and blue routes go up Erebus' western flank. I went up the red route. The blue route is one I observed but didnt attempt due to all the snow around, and the fact you would sidle above a massive bluff (this bluff is clearly visible on Google Earth for those interested). The green route I call the southern route and follows the stream which drains down to the Valley of the Trolls from north of Mt Xenicus on the topo map. It climbs up to the ridge line between points 1821 and 1829 before running north. I descended by this route. Note: routes are indicative only. 5th Jan 2013.



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Added 29 March 2013 by Yarmoss. 2 revisions, most recently 18 April 2013 by YarmossYarmoss.


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