Tramping illegal

Tramping is now officially illegal.
91–100 of 214

They are saying 1 meter in workplaces now. Of course the chances of either person being infected is as good as nill
dunno, knowing what some people got up to in one place i've worked, there would be a high chance of infection ha ha ha
Not if none of them were infected in the first place
I'm wary of the assurances out there that we've completely eliminated it. There's considerable testing happening right now compared with in the past, but it's still relatively targeted testing and there are wide groups of people who'll never be tested. In the end it only takes one case in the community to be undetected. If a critical mass of people around NZ have decided that the distancing things and the restricted travel advice really don't matter, that'll be how it spreads significantly before it's properly noticed.
they've tested 90,000 people thats around 2% of the population.... you're reliant on sick people coming forward to get tested.... an epidemiologist said we have to be testing a lot more people to be sure of the real statistics... so ten positive tests a day could mean there are 500 more infected people that arent being picked up... look at the states, you're getting a lot of deniers about the illness now...
They test urban waste water nowadays for drugs so they know how much they didnt catch at the border. A similar test would show on a city wide basis if its clear or not. The thing is a person can be symptom free and infect others but not all those new infections will be symptom free. If the sick person gets tested they track back to the infector. This testing would produce a new cluster. There is hardly any evidence of that happening. We should be in the clear until they let the tourists and all the others that didnt get here back. One of our staff was on holiday in Philippines when this all started. He opted out of the mercy flight last Sunday as it would have cost 20k for his family. He is still working from home except its his mother in laws home in Manila. At least he is still working and getting paid a NZ wage unlike a lot of others in a similar predicament
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Dr Lance O Sullivan admitted to going kayaking at the beach... he's a very conscientious person , does a massive amount of good in his community, it shows you how hard it is even for people who are good role models still struggle to follow the rules. i think police should just show common sense in applying the rules. easier to blanket ban activities but stand up paddle boarding or a short swim at a calm beach to far more good than harm the problem is authorities have removed peoples abilities to exercise common sense, if theres a chance you may need rescuing from your activity don't do it.... but they didnt want people stretching the rules so ruined it for everyone... its not like people here need frequent rescueing.... a lot of people here do above average difficulty tramps without major issues the vast majority of the time... although now you see in level 3 you can go back to some normality in doing what you normally do they are allowing you to exercise common sense , if you're capable at what you do you can to a certain extent do stuff that has an element of risk, just not towards the upper end of it. at the end of the day you're reliant on other people following the rules, give people some credit for using common sense, prosecute those who don't to get the message out there. well if i break the rules badly i'm going to pay for it... Singapore: the law comes down hard on people there for breaking the law, its a lot easier to get a prison sentence over there, they don't take much account of how it will affect your career, its black and white. its a very law abiding place
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Level 3 gets reviewed after 2 weeks. Ardern said hunting (& tramping ?) returns to normal at Level 2.
I thought I read somewhere that 'easy day walks' and 'regional travel for the purpose of recreation' were allowed under level 3, leading me to think I could go on, well a day walk. But yes just heard her say DOC land is closed. Guess not? :( Bit confused.
Picked that up, too. But Police Minister is also saying things that contradict what is on the official Covid website. They are confused. You will be able go on a local, within region, day walk. But references to being able to drive 45 minutes to your nearest NOT favourite have been removed (censored) from links we've used on this thread already. Level 3 gets reviewed after 2 weeks. Ardern said hunting (& tramping ?) returns to normal at Level 2.
91–100 of 214

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