Tramping illegal

Tramping is now officially illegal.
61–70 of 214

passports showing you have covid immunity may be important for international tourists in the future.
Yes - once we have a vaccine - I imagine it will be like carrying your yellow fever certificate is for many countries. Not allowed to even board the plane to a destination that requires it without showing an immunisation cert at least 14 days old.
anyone who's recovered can also get a passport Social distancing likely to be in place until vaccine is ready - virologist
I don't think that's how it will work. You're assuming that, having survived the virus (or been immunised), you have on-going immunity. That's possible but unlikely based on other corona viruses. Some cold viruses are Corona and they don't elicit much of an immune response at all. Even if (big if) a vaccine is developed and available, it's likely that it would need to be refreshed annually (at best?), similarly to the 'flu vaccine. If that's how it works out, you could have had the vaccine and still be be able to be infected - have no (or minimal) symptoms but still be shedding and able to infect others. The most likely exit strategy are effective treatments and rapid accurate testing. Resumption of international travel is a long way off and will start very slowly indeed, I fear.
@bernieq. But is that because people who've had coronovirus-common-colds do not get an ongoing immune response? Or because the common-cold coronoviruses are so numerous that having immunity to one does not give you immunity to all the others? If the latter, then the success of a covid19 vaccine it will depend on how fast/much the covid19 virus mutates.
No, unfortunately, it's the former. There are a lot of cold viruses but immune response (and mutation rates) are generally low and not persistent. The underlying issue is that it's a respiratory virus and we don't generally have a strong immune response to those. BTW, what's killing otherwise healthy people is a strong anti-inflammatory response not a strong immune response.
well explain this i work in close contact with hundreds of people year round, they all get the flu and colds and I dont... not for years....
1 deleted post from Pro-active
Well, strictly speaking, you haven't exhibited symptoms. It's unlikely that you have immunity (innate immune system) to all cold & flu viruses circulating in your environment - more likely, your adaptive immune system is more effective than most. It's been many years (a couple of decades I think) since I last have any significant cold symptoms - yet another upside of regular exercise, imo.
Vitamin D crucial to activating immune defenses Scientists have found that vitamin D is crucial to activating our immune defenses and that without sufficient intake of the vitamin - the killer cells of the immune system -- T cells -- will not be able to react to and fight off serious infections in the body. The research team found that T cells first search for vitamin D in order to activate and if they cannot find enough of it will not complete the activation process.
Yeah, sure, one component of a healthy system - balanced diet, exercise, good genetics, weight control, good sleep levels, ... I accept the Vit D is an important component of a very complex system but be aware that Science Daily publishes press releases rather than research papers - ie sources are PR-media rather than scientists/researchers - material needs to be treated as such; critically and skeptically.
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