Tramping illegal

Tramping is now officially illegal.
51–60 of 214

try and stop people going for a drive at Level 3. , if the weather is nice, people will be gagging to go somewhere further... i've only got a small park with a 100m climb near me, i have to walk up and down it several times to get a reasonable workout. went up it 8 times on the weekend, after the lockdown i dont want to see it again for a long long time... kauri dieback closed most tracks in my region a long time ago , so i was already pushed for choices before covid..
"i've only got a small park with a 100m climb near me" Luxury If I walk 4.5km in a straight line I get to the biggest hill in Rangiora. Its called Ashley River Flood Bank. It might be 5 meters high if you dont unfold the tape measure properly. Even jumping on the bike its a long way to get something better.
hunting being reconsidered
The me too lobbyists are out in force, but if hunting is somehow allowed then I'm not sure it'll be in the form that at least some people are hoping for.
Coronavirus: Greater freedom for recreational activities under level 3
Coronavirus: global pandemic a chance to re-set New Zealand tourism One part of the silver lining on the dark cloud of Covid19 may well be the promised review of tourism. Last week Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis launched a project in which Government and industry leaders will work together on a plan to restart tourism. They should not forget that we have been priced out of, and crowded out of, our favourite outdoor places for far too long by tourists while the industry ignored pleas to slow down and reduce the harm. Instead, with single minded determination, the industry went courting ever greater numbers each year with the misleading Clean Green propaganda message.
Tourism is the elephant in the room. Tourism is the country's second biggest money earner and currently doesnt exist. If we dont get tourism under way the country will go broke. We will be like Naru or similar depending on other countries generosity. The question is how do we allow tourists in without them bringing covid back? 14 day quarantine aint going to work. You can bet that would apply both ends of the trip so a 2 month holiday includes 1 month locked up. One option I see to restart limited tourism that could work is a health visa stating you have not traveled in a country that still has covid during the last 28 days. That would mean your flights have to have the same status and any stop over points also need that status. eg in Australia was declared covid free then as long as any Aussis hadnt been anywhere else they would be offered free entry and instant travel. If it hadnt but Samoa had then samoans could come here as long as the plane didnt stop in Aus on the way etc
Tourism is also one of the big employers, and lots of small businesses set up because of tourism like cafe/coffee shop. Tourism is looking bleak, unnemployment both here and overseas will be huge. The dommestic market is just not big enough to keep tourism ticking over. I cant see the upcomming ski season going that well. Those that do ski are probably thinking skiing all day with a few others what bliss. The cost to get a ski field up and running must be quite large, and they not going to do it for a few people. In future are you going to be able to get a shuttle to or from your tramp. Are huts or tracks going to get maintainance, are DOC info centres safe. Just think about the cost cutting that the next government has to do while getting the economy going.
>Tourism is the elephant in the room. Tourism is the country's second biggest money earner and currently doesnt exist. If we dont get tourism under way the country will go broke. We will be like Naru or similar depending on other countries generosity. Tourism is big, but it's not that big. Maybe 10% of our economy, depending on how much of the indirect contributions you count? We might end up less rich than we were, but we won't be poor. In the 80's I remember people I tramped with, some of them had good jobs, but their family had one not new car, they had one pack, one sleeping bag, one rain jacket, one pair of boots and had to check who had an alpine tent among the people they were organising a Christmas trip with. BUT, they got to do more tramping - 2 weeks at Christmas, a week at Easter, many weekends away, more than the equivalent people would have done last year even though they own three cars, more outdoor gear than they can count and had several overseas trips every year.
I become redundant on 3rd May. Its not because of this but the date did come forwards a lot. Im ok as it was planned for. However looking through jobs a job has come up at Mt Cheesman. They are only opening to club members. I didnt have the required skills but never mind. Forced early retirement may see more tramping
51–60 of 214

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