Whats everyone got planned?

I know that we have had this type of thread before but I figure seen as there isnt much happening on this website at the moment I just thought I would ask what everyone is up to, Have ya got anything planned for the weekend or training ya self up for a big tramp during the summer? Just thought I would see what everyones up to, its good to read about other peoples tramping trips plus it also gives ya a few ideas for tramping trips of your own.
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You will have to be quick Ruger, Ive got the same idea. I might leave ya one or two ;-)
Hopefully Friday night will be quiet or Im the first there. I have been fortunate to date most people turn up Saturday night and by then I am long gone.
Might tramp into Lake Daniells tomorrow, might even push on to Thompson Flat Hut.
I'm going to Herepai Hut this weekend with a couple of people new to tramping then after Easter hoping to go to Mt Arthur,Salisbury Lodge,Ellis Basin Hut etc. and just generally explore the area for a week.Can't wait!
Im heading back up to awatere hut again on saturday morning to bag black stag hut just down stream from awatere( didnt realise it was there last time) Hut is on no maps but its suppose to be there lol if any one wants to join me I will leave dannevirke about 5am if anyone is keen to come along just send me a message. Tramp isnt to bad approx 400m climbing over 4 hours or so so quite easy with great views if weather plays nice.
Ruahines, Fri - Sun, as I haven't been there before, so trying something easy as I may be by myself. Thought of Sunrise Hut/Waipawa Forks. Wondering about going up and over Te Atuaoparapara if the weather was clear. Is it marked? Difficult navigation? Welcome to join.
Easy? The Ruahines. Te Atuoparapara Boody horrible in high winds and mist. Did you make the kaimais last weekend?
Well, easy in that it's a well marked track to the hut, with not a lot of tricky navigation like some parts. Won't be going up to tops if weather dodgy. Kaimai tramp was great, good weather, quite hot. Flycamped at Te Tuhi track junction, Puketutu Hut 1 night, and flycamp by Kaurititahi Stream. Did you get away? Looked out for you.
Walked Friday and Saturday with my head firmly tucked into my shoulders have never seen so many hunters in one place at one time.
Ended up getting blown off the tops on sat morning so csme back to dvke and went up coppermiine creek loop which was still windy but a wee bit more sheltered. Went up to kiritaki again yesterday to try to find my walking pole that I lost on boxing day and found it just before the turnoff up the hill in some bush so was very stoked, the track (what track there is) is still very poor and quite difficult but with no doc support its no surprise
81–90 of 341

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