Whats everyone got planned?

I know that we have had this type of thread before but I figure seen as there isnt much happening on this website at the moment I just thought I would ask what everyone is up to, Have ya got anything planned for the weekend or training ya self up for a big tramp during the summer? Just thought I would see what everyones up to, its good to read about other peoples tramping trips plus it also gives ya a few ideas for tramping trips of your own.
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Anyone got anything planned for Mon 14th, Tues, Wed next week, central NI? Feel the need for a last escape before the Xmas madness sets in!
fruitbat! havn't you had enough tramping over the past few weeks? You could try Jill, she usually has the time and keen on anything.
Just got back from four days on the Routeburn and Caples tracks. We were planning to do the Rees-Dart but with severe weather warnings out and the risk of unpassable rivers, we re-evaluated our plans and completed the Routeburn & Caples tracks instead. First two days on the Routeburn were torrential rain (but still good fun!) and then the sun came out for the Caples track. We also took the side trip up to Key Summit. Loved the climb over the McKellar saddle, and the lush greenery down the Caples river & valley is breathtaking! Earland Falls (on the Routeburn track) in full flood was also spectacular. Happy days :-)
Glad you enjoyed the walk. Walking in the rain can be fun once you're resigned to it. I suppose the lower section of the Rees wouldn't have seemed like fun with the deep mud you can get when following the poles. I recall a time returning to Muddy Ck on a route much closer to the river and it was like following a road almost. It seemed raised and we didn't encounter the mud at all. There were however a few side streams to cross.
Back to finish Rangiwahia, Triangle, Irongate in the Ruahines Friday and Saturday two months ago the weather kept me off the tops so this weekend is a time to put that right.
I planned to solo-hike (I'm 16) the Kepler Track at the end of January, but it looks like it probably won't be possible now. That's because I'm starting a new job (my first!) tomorrow and I don't think it would go down too well asking for 5 days off just as I start.
Almost finished the year Im going to kick the new year off in the Tararuas from the 4th to the 9th with a middle crossing starting at Holdsworth lodge including the tararua peaks and possibly a walk into Waitewaiwai.
Sadly I'm on call to work for the next two weeks, because this morning I awoke to the sight of a fresh drop of snow on the Northern Tararuas, right from Holdsworth to Mitre at least. Not a huge dumping, and it will be gone by mid-morning, but a good dusting all the same. Not bad for the last day of the year!! What the hell... I might sneak a day walk in.
I've got some leave in March, looking at doing Rua's Track in the Ureweras, and would also like to get into the Ruahines, where I have never been, if anyone is keen.
packrafting trip from Erewhon Station to Mt Cook at least, maybe farther.
51–60 of 341

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