Whats everyone got planned?

I know that we have had this type of thread before but I figure seen as there isnt much happening on this website at the moment I just thought I would ask what everyone is up to, Have ya got anything planned for the weekend or training ya self up for a big tramp during the summer? Just thought I would see what everyones up to, its good to read about other peoples tramping trips plus it also gives ya a few ideas for tramping trips of your own.
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I see that notice http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/tracks-and-walks/nelson-tasman/nelson-lakes/matiri-valley-and-1000-acre-plateau/ no date or anything to indicate whether the assessment has been done or not. I would certainly contact them and find out more info. Usually it is possible to get around slips as long as you don't mind going off track a bit or crossing the river and going up the other bank. I know I would certainly be inclined to assess the situation for myself. Interesting that there is a proposal to build a dam in that area, and it's unstable? Matthew has a good description of the area at http://www.tramper.co.nz/?3358 We were in there last summer and had a great trip, going right through to the Wangapeka, http://www.tramper.co.nz/?6626
The Matiri Valley to Wangapeka Saddle tramp looks outstanding pmcke! It looks like it may require good navigational skills for this tramp. I assume the maps are available at the DOC? It also looks like there is some way to load the google map files into a hand held GPS? Sorry for the naivety on this subject. It looks like I have some research to do. The 1000 acre plateau is definately at the top of my itenary when I go down there in November. I think I would like to add the Matiri Valley to Wangapeka Saddle with it, if possible.
The paper maps you want are the Topo50 (1:50,000) series and you should be able to get them from any outdoor shop in the area. You can download my GPX files from http://www.tramper.co.nz/?6569 and http://www.tramper.co.nz/?6570 see in the top RH corner of each page where it says download. You should be able to load those files into a GPS. If your GPS is a Garmin, have a look at http://www.nzopengps.org There are a number of free resources there. The maps I use in my Garmin are Gary's maps. http://www.gtmaps.co.nz which are not free, but I find very good.
Hopefully going up to the Kawekas for Labour weekend,if not go to Parks Peak and area in the Ruahines,
Wondering if huts will be very busy over labour weekend given the rugby final... maybe all the rugger buggers will go to the rugger buggery? Thinking about Kawekas myself.
Tamaki west rd to Pohangina rd an East West crossing of the lower Ruahines. Stanfield hut, Cattle creek hut and Mid Pohangina hut Friday And Saturday next week hopefully not too many hunters about.
Just back from an attempted trip Haast to Ohau via the Moeraki, Zeillan, Clarke, Solution Range, Lansdboro and Broderik. Perfect weather and great views, though snow soft and slushy ... until 1200m on the Broderik pass oin what should have been the last day. Cloud came down, south-westerly blowing, it started snowing and visibility dropped to nil. Not keen on trying the descent to the Huxley with x00m of snow to descend and no visibility of what lay ahead. And with all the spare time in schedule used up, bailed out back down the landsboro to the highway ... the weather laughing at me with clear skies and sunshine 3 hours later!
We wondered where everyone was during a Kawekas trip last Labour Weekend.Middle Hill Hut Friday night, and just our small group. Tira Lodge Saturday night, and we still hadnt seen anybody else. Found them the next night. As we sat enjoying the sun at Makino Hut people started pouring in. I think there were over 20 there on the Sunday night.Fantastic trip all the same, with clear blue skies, no wind and fabulous views of the very recently snow capped mountains.
20 people at Makino?! Jeepers! That busy huh?
Three young guys spent the afternoon building an impressive leanto on the side of the hut. Kept them dry but they were up early as it was a little chilly.
1 deleted post from pmcke
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