Whats everyone got planned?

I know that we have had this type of thread before but I figure seen as there isnt much happening on this website at the moment I just thought I would ask what everyone is up to, Have ya got anything planned for the weekend or training ya self up for a big tramp during the summer? Just thought I would see what everyones up to, its good to read about other peoples tramping trips plus it also gives ya a few ideas for tramping trips of your own.
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Going up to Hanmer Springs for a couple of days. They got a metre of snow yesterday. Access highway got re-opened today. Couple of female trampers flipped their PLB because they were snowed-in on the St James just around the corner. Could be fun !?
Was supposed to be 3 days on kawekas. Today on tops. Sat sun in eastern low country. But trip has changed into scouring hastings gor a replacement gearbox so I can get back to work by Monday.
The Tararuas will be experiencing Beddington conditions this w/e as the front roars through so you won't be missing much. Sunday morning till evening looks pretty nice for a day walk though down this way.
Fou.nd one. And someone to put it in. And a courtesy car to get me to lawrence roadend. Just had a great day from mcintosh to middle hill via kaweka tops. So much for rain and gales. Never rely on the forecast.
Planning to check one of my traplines in the Rimutaka tommorrow . Stoats are the main target . Hope to get back into the Tararua this week for a three day wander, the weather has been really hit and miss lately, pretty typical for this time of the year I guess . I'm getting sick of Metservices random forecasts . They seem to be able to say what ever they like and never be held accountable for it . Oh well . The snow dumps of last week seem to be all but gone from the Southern Crossing, from what I can see anyway . I head up the Te Whiti firebreak three-four times a week, to keep the legs and lungs strong . That way you can eat as much dehy coconut milk as you like lol . You get great views of the Southern up there, I have barely seen it for weeks .
Know what you mean about forecasts. All headed up to the Orua last weekend to rebait stoat lines there with forecast of perfect weather. Couldn't even get to the roadend in heavy snow!
Taranaki Friday and Saturday Kahui and Waiaua gorge huts because I haven't been there yet.
there is no fireplace in Kahui hut bigpaul so could be a cold night, Waiaua Gorge good though, may head there yet myself for a quick tramp on saturday
You where right about Kahui bloody cold though had a good night at Waiaua gorge great fire and a spectacular view of the munga the next morning all capped in snow.
3 deleted posts from Escofefow, hikehimalayasram
Well, I hear everyone winging (isn't that the Pom's job) about the weather, but I couldn't have asked for better. 6 days in the Tararuas with just a morning of rain. 2 days in the Haurangis with wind battering the coast, but still and warm in the valleys. An overnighter in the Gwavas/Wakararas with 20 mins of drizzle on the way on, but a clear day with sunrise over Hawkes Bay. A trip down the Waioweka - the one day of warm rain only cutting down on the need to jump in the river to cool down quite so often. And a traverse of the Tangihua Range when some rain / cloud / wind / anything would have been welcome to cool the day. Couldn't ask for better: what are you all complaining about?!
311–320 of 341

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