Watch recommendations?

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I need suggestions for a suitable/durable watch? As an inexperienced tramper any advice is welcomed.
question is too vague... the options are too many for such a vague question
I don't have a watch. Works great. :)
1 deleted post from Yarmoss
I dont drop money on $300 watches. Four years spent in the Navy and I saw plenty of expensive gadgets and "bling" fall over the sides or get wrecked. $20-30 Warehouse/K-mart jobbies are what I use and tell the time just fine, and when they brake who cares! ;-)
1 deleted post from glennj
Over the last 20 years or so I've used two cheapish Casio watches & they have been excellent. One a sports watch model 863, shock & water resistent was superb. Even used to take it snorkelling & scuba diving. Unfortunately that watch was lost due to the strap breaking. It was replaced with an even cheaper Casio which is still going strong. It has heavier pins than most models linking the body to the straps. Module No. 1846 Model W71.
1 deleted post from bradley1
Ive been using a cheap watch I brought at the service station for $30. My watch I wear to work costs $300, no way Im I going to take this beast out in the field with me. I like a watch with a plastic or rubber strap they are more comfortable than metal bands. I need a new tramping watch as my one Ive been using for 3 years tramping/walking/mountain biking has a smashed face from falling over while crossing a stream. I used a Casio in the Army cost me $150 ish but lasted for nearly 7 years. I lost it mountain biking near Queenstown, bugger! It had one of those leather covers for the face, its a great investment to protect it. Indiglo's are also a good bet.
@Matthew1984, as @waynowski said, if you can be more specific about what you might want to use the watch for then it would help. If you just want to tell time, then it sounds as if most people would simply suggest something cheap. Then when you inevitably lose or misplace or damage it, you haven't lost much. Maybe consider if you'd want a light (could be useful at night), possibly some token water resistence so it won't konk out as soon as it rains. Some people have lots of fancy expensive gadgets on watches (altimeters, GPSs, whatever), but lots of people with lots of experience don't bother, and if you're not careful that could just be unnecessarily expensive and get in the way. Once you gain some experience and figure out what sort of tramping you want to do, you'll probably get a better idea of what you'd like. imho there are definitely more critical things to get right first, like the usual safety gear, and stuff. :)
I've had a look at a number of Casio's and similar brands as a few of you have suggested. I found a few at but I don't shop online a lot...has anybody used this website before?
I think that website shows luxury watches. All I use is a cheap slimline, water resist, plastic case, rubber strap watch & that is ideal for my purposes. The made in China 1846 model W71 Casio's are still available even though the design is decades old. Try a watchmaker - My last one was bought at Bates Watchmakers, Victoria Avenue in Wanganui & the previous one in Chartwell Square Hamilton. I've forgotten what I paid for the last one but it was approx $60 or maybe less. This model though one of the cheaper ones was the most suitable of those I looked at for tramping purposes. (they have a light, alarm, stopwatch functions too)
It depends on what you want, but if you *do* just want the basics, keep in mind that the best candidates probably aren't being advertised. The best bet might be to simply go to The Warehouse or a $2 shop and see what they're selling for $10 to $20 or less.
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