Watch recommendations?

I need suggestions for a suitable/durable watch? As an inexperienced tramper any advice is welcomed.
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what functions do you want on the watch?
At the other end of the scale, I was reading a 2011 copy of Wilderness recently and they had some Suunto watch/GPS/altimeter watches reviewed there. The cost?... ........$1400, how about that, I think Ill go and buy 3 so I have some spares....
I don't normally wear a watch, but when I was in London I was trying to find a wrist-watch, and I had in mind one of those cheap Casio watches which normally retail for about $30, and has everything I need (including if I took it tramping). It turns out that they're *too* cheap even for the official Casio-branded shops to sell them, and I couldn't actually find one. Weirdly I managed to pick up a knock-off forgery of a Casio F-91W watch, in Kuala Lumpur, on the way home. It was too late for when I wanted it, but there was something strangely rewarding about being able to buy a knock-off of one of the cheapest branded watches out there, and it only cost about 10 Malaysian Ringgits. We bought the nephew a knock-off of a much more expensive watch.
If it's becoming light, sun is rising, if getting dark sun is setting, if sun directly overhead it is the middle of the day, if you are tramping is there any need for greater definition.
it would be nice to know if you are going to miss the bus
Its also nice to set an alarm for that early start
Day & date are handy for keeping track of the days on longer trips, especially solo ones thru seldom travelled country where you are not meeting other people.. I know of someone who has lost track of the date without a watch & inadvertantly caused concern for others by not coming out when due out having lost a couple of days somewhere.
My G-Shock is coming up to 10 years old. I mostly use it while running (for the stopwatch) but it does come tramping as well. It's solar powered but still has a battery which has needed to be replaced once.
Too late perhaps for the original posters but the slimmer the watch the less hassle it is catching on fully loaded pack straps.
good point mine is chunky and a pain. Otherwise its a good watch and as it was already on clearance when the jewler had a all stock half price sale it was a price I couldnt refuse
11–20 of 43

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