Watch recommendations?

I need suggestions for a suitable/durable watch? As an inexperienced tramper any advice is welcomed.
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Well ... it can do some other useful things too, but, yeah, it's an electronic compass, not a GPS.
ok, DONT buy a Suunto. I had a vector awhile back, it was about 3 years old and it crapped out. Took it back to the shop (Element-Queenstown) and they told me it was toast and that it wasn't covered under any warranty. Even though they sell them with a 'lifetime' warranty. I think my girlfriend paid around 600 for it. I wouldn't recommend you went with this brand anyway based on my experience...
Were they trying to claim normal wear and tear? Most 'lifetime warranties' cover faults in manufacturing, but if it just wears out through normal use then they won't touch it, unless the retailer's already required to fix something under a guarantee.
The battery ran out, so I took it to the shop and got them to replace it. The guy did it behind the counter, then weeks on it started to mist up behind the display. I took it in, they sent it to Suunto who said the battery should have been replaced under 'pressurisation' or something special like that. Well you would think because the shop did it I would be covered, but nah they were pricks about it. Come to think about it, I think they still have the watch
Get a watch battery replaced at a jewellers, they ask if you want to pay the extra for the pressure testing. It's your choice. But if it's their Customer Service that's an issue, thanks for the heads-up.
elements queenstown has been replaced by gun city Same staff Mostly same stock but different unrelated business. Ive had batteries replaced my mr minute many times They always warn they cant pressure test but Ive been lucky. Others might not be.
That sucks. You can see the user guide for a Suunto Vector at . Page 12 has battery replacement instructions. It says to be extremely careful and that it's the operator's responsibility to retain the water-proofness, but nothing about pressurisation. You'd probably have room for a claim against the retailer in this type of situation if you had the receipt to show they'd replaced the battery and if they were claiming to be able to replace it properly when you asked them to, but those things are always a pain to chase up.
I agree with @zoneblue about finding an altimeter a useful navigation tool. If nothing else you can relieve the boredom on a long hill climb by watching each 10 metres click past. I have a Suunto Core and I am pleased with it, although it is over-kill as I only use the date/time and altimeter. Purchased in USA so a bit cheaper than NZ.
Funny, I don't see the point in even bothering with altimeters anymore. Besides their barometric uses, they are well outdated by any good gps unit, even an smart phone..
well an altimeter in a watch doesnt use much battery power, if nothing else its a good backup navigationdevice, use it with a map and you can get a good idea where you are without needing a GPS
31–40 of 43

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