Where is this?

Bit of a challenge since we can't go bush. Where is this photo (winner gets to go next). http://qrp.nz/system/images/6/IMG_20200319_172300_original.jpg Hint: the fenceline is the clue
341–350 of 423

@geoffnet The upgrade at Top Forks Hut was mostly about EQ strengthening so a lot of people are curious what was done as it's not obvious. Bracing piles and lots of connections from piles thru to roof, rafter double ups, new corro roof with insulation and extended the kitchen (which removed the rear porch area). And as you have noticed a new water tank and stand... out of site is a new woodshed. The older hut has since been upgraded by the Backcountry Hut Trust :-)
Mallory. Now he was on Everest. Still there till recently I recall tho. But looks like the Mallory-Irvine area looking down the Olivine and on to lake wilmot
Which makes it the (Willy) Merkl glacier Who died on Nanga Parbat.
That's the area, madpom - photo taken from the summit of Sunset Peak. Now, who would have thought that the people's encyclopedia would have inaccuracies - in fact, it's my error as pointed out by simdabuilder. I should have said they all died in the Himalayas. It is, indeed, the Merkl Glacier - named for Willy Merkl, I presume as it was gazetted a few months after his body was recovered. Interesting to note the name of the other peak close by - Terminal Peak. Your go, simdabuilder.
I was getting so close last night. Merkl glacier caught my eye as a probable. I had to go to work today. Couldn't spend any more time on it. Thanks for the photo because i had a route, as a contingency plan in mind for my last trip in the area. It's a strong likely next trip. It was from the end of the Beansburn up to the broad ridge east of Brenda Pk. That's the one in the picture, in front. On the upper part of the Merkl, just before Irvine Pk is access to a rock rib over on the north side. That is a probable route down to the Forgotten River near to Milner Ice Stream. An alternative to going via the Olivine.
Work and shopping - just back be posting soon...
Hey aardvark, have you found the Southern Alps Photography trip photos? Search 'danilo hegg merkl' and you'll find quite a few relevant photos - some scary terrain there!
https://tramper.nz/imgcache/28/28287-feature.jpg Do you know the hut?
Is it Kirtle Burn hut? Pisa Range
I don't know it. It's a correct answer - do I win ? :astonished:
341–350 of 423

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Forum The campfire
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On 26 March 2020
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