Fiordland or Nepal??

* Note: Posted in The Campfire as opposed to Tracks etc, as it doesn't specifically pertain to NZ tracks.... Well, it seems as though I won't be going on Survivor. Haven't heard anything, and probably should have by now. Will need to make a better video for next year. So, faced with a decision as to what to do over the winter months (May to August)..... I've thought about South America, as previously mentioned, but I'm inclined to tack that onto next year's Alaska/Canada trip to make one epic adventure. So the options that most appeal to me are (no particular order): 1. Complete remaining Great Walks (and do the not-yet-ready Pike 29 Memorial Great Walk), as well as a few fairly decent tramps (Dusky; North West/Southern Circuits of Stewart Island; George Sound; Hollyford/Pyke loop, any others I can fit in). 2. Spend the entire winter in Fiordland. Do the aforementioned Fiordland Tracks, plus some off-track stuff, including packrafting, fishing, a bit of hunting. 3. Go to Nepal for between 2 and 3 months, trekking to my heart's content! (Plus a bit of whitewater rafting, and of course cultural experiences thrown in for good measure). Things to take into account: 1. I work for Real Journeys, so transport to most of the Fiordland tracks (and Stewart Island) would be free. 2. I'm aware that I'm endeavouring to undertake these Fiordland/SI options on the fringe of/in the middle of winter. 3. Cost will be roughly the same. I have a hut pass, tent, and sleep in my car when needed, so accommodation is sorted for options 1 & 2. But fuel is expensive. Food here is a LOT more expensive than Nepal! Can comfortably live on $40-50 a day in Nepal, including accommodation/travel expenses etc. (Minus airfares, which will be about $1200). 4. Options 1 & 2 would allow me to supplement with some income (I'm pretty sure RJs are keen to offer me a casual winter contract, for starters). 5. I can only be out of NZ for x number of days (about 4 months) in each calendar year for the next two years in order to remain eligible for citizenship. So I would go to Nepal for 3 months max, meaning I can work an extra month before going. 6. I didn't do my tax return last year, and know I'm owed about $600. This year should be the same or better. 7. Regardless of anything (logistics/cost etc), 2017 MUST be epic! :D Any thoughts? Advice? Anyone with extensive experience trekking/traveling in Nepal? I think for either of these options $5-6K in total should be sufficient for 3-4 months of adventures (until work starts up again in September). At any rate, it can't be more than that, because that's the maximum I'll have. :D I need to decide by Wednesday night. This fortnight's pay is either going on my credit card or flights. ;) Cheers in advance for your thoughts/advice!
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Thanks for that!! I've just sent a message. Looks like they're doing some really great work. I'd be over the moon to be able to spend time helping!
Well, no work for me for the month of May. So..... I have a month before I fly out to Nepal. The obvious first choice is Dusky. Provided the weather isn't too horrendous, that's the plan. Then from there, not sure. Aoraki area, Heaphy, Tararuas. Who knows? But one month to do two things: 1. Tramp as much as possible. 2. Spend as little money as possible! :D
Life of Riley man.
Ordered my Alpkit bivvy from the UK that someone on here recommended. It's arrived. Trying it out tonight (caveat: I'm using it inside, window open, no other heating source). I got the XL. Fits my Klymit Insulated Static V mattress, my Kelty -16 degree driDown sleeping bag, and me. Interesting getting into it, as there's no zippers at all. But I'm feeling VERY toasty! (Maybe because I'm in a winter sleeping bag.....). Taking this sleep system to Nepal. No getting cold for me! PS. I'll try it out properly (outside) soon. Curious to see how it handles things when exposed to the elements.
I ordered one of those too but it hasn't arrived yet. Glad to hear yours has.
Really? Is that when you ordered it way back? Get onto them ASAP; mine arrived from the UK within 3 days!
OK, will do. Cheers, Kreig.
I've been in Kathmandu since the end of March and have 5 weeks to go doing voluntary aid work. Come say hi :)
Perfect. I arrive 29th May.
@Kreig: The bivvy bag arrived OK. Frank had forgotten that the P O Box had a card in it, informing me it had arrived. Have you tried yours out?
61–70 of 81

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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 28 February 2017
Replies 80
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