Freedom camping sites in Christchurch to close

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They might provide more facilities and reopen them at some stage. I think they just need a breather.
Guy in the video - "Tourism is a real big indistry" But not from tourists like you mate. I must admit to it grinding my gears when you hear freedom campers (not just in this video) talking about their rights and it being unfair. Mate.... you're a guest.
Unfortunately this wont be the only time this happens. In the old days there wasnt that many campers and they could camp anywhere without causing much issue. Times changed no of campers increased and being able to camp anywhere became nonviable. Self contained systems were promoted to a standard allowing 3 days and people then used them but the 3 days was an issue for some. Councils then restricted where people could camp which would of been a good idea had they thought about whether the facilities would cope. The answer is hard. Councils are responsible to ratepayers not tourists. Tourists bring money to the businesses that pay those rates though. (even tourists eat). The trick is to ballence the facilities between what the council can afford and what the tourists need. The self contained system should of worked but often the campers are staying longer than 3 days so have to have a plan b.
Or.... crazy idea.... the tourism component of the national-level government, that's doing such a great job of promoting tourism and attracting people to the country, could take some more direct responsibility for managing the negative impact of those tourists in the regions which it affects, either by providing the facilities in places where people go, or paying local councils for their expenses to do so. Y'know, instead of dumping those problems onto councils and other bodies which often gain very little benefit from people passing through and not spending much. It's a very comparable problem with the recent concerns aired about impact on the conservation estate. There's no overall plan beyond ADVERTISE! Tourism NZ is generating huge wealth for the country, and consequently massive extra revenue for the government. Almost exactly zero of that revenue is being channeled back to the places it's negatively affecting. TNZ justifyies its $120m/year budget (see annual report) by the many billions its spending brings in, yet ignoring the negative externalities that we're also spending.... as if they'll somehow just evaporate on their own.
I have no problem if the govt/councils set up more cheap "park and camp" sites where it's maybe $10 p/person p/night and has a manager to run facilities. But I have zero sympathy for people complaining that their free accommodation options are disappearing. We pay for all public facilities through taxes, tourists coming through town buying the odd pie and packet of noodles does not even come close to covering their share of costs. Therefore, @izogi I agree with you in principle about the Govt creating a situation and making councils pay for it, but on this issue I don't even think the govt should be paying to set up free accommodation centres for tourists who are bringing so little economic benefit in to the country that they aren't prepared to pay for a camp site.
Totally agree Evo. No way should the govt/councils/taxpayer be expected to pay or provide accomodation for visitors coming to NZ. Why should they? Pay a camping ground fee like the rest of us.
international backpackers have widespread knowledge of NZ's freedom camp grounds... having the camp grounds increases the demand for them in the first place. it attracts people who have some of the lowest standards of hygiene of any tourists.. if you cant effectively throttle the no's at those camp grounds you've got a recipie for disaster.. put the message out that you can't come here and freedom camp. make overseas trampers pre purchase hut tickets or prebook their huts to ensure they are paying their way if they say they are tramping.
nice idea but we know they wont be doing any of those things until they change their minds after getting here. Sometimes though people running buisinesses in NZ dont help. I was camping with a couple of tourists from Canada at a commercial campground over summer. They spend a lot of time in NZ so have a lot of friends here. They went with a NZ person who is a bit shy to a orchard to do some fruit picking. They got asked if they wanted to pick as well and when they said they didnt want to jeapodise there tourist visa or any future trips to NZ they were told they could be paid under the table.
Really I don't care so much for giving people a free ride, but as well as I can tell these people who visit New Zealand, on the very edge of their budget, really are an externality of the greater tourism industry. If NZ markets itself to people with money using the techniques it's currently using, it'll also get the rest as part of the cost. What frustrates me most with all this is that there doesn't actually seem to be a plan from central government other than claiming the benefits for itself, Air NZ, and businesses in certain areas, yet dumping the problems on local government and communities in other areas. So, if central government is not going to facilitate the stay of that class of visitor using part of the vast amount of revenue, what's the alternative and where do they go? Can they be kept out? Can they be effectively tracked down and stopped? Wheel clamps? Coordination with Immigration NZ to force people on temporary visas to pay outstanding fines prior to leaving the country? Will that stuff actually work, or will it just cause people to take further measures to avoid enforcement?
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