Freedom camping sites in Christchurch to close
81–86 of 86

marlborough make a truckload from the fees they collect from the interisland ferries using picton
camper problems in the mackenzie country
how tourists affect various popular locations around the world and the restrictions put in place on tourists
Interesting reading Wayno. I just read a book by the woman who wrote the first English traveller's guide to Panama. She is an a keen bird watcher etc and, ten years later was watching the ruination of the jungle and islands which she loved so much and her book had helped to happen! Interesting how local people can see what is happening but nobody seems to see the bigger picture either nationally or internationally. This is not just a Golden Bay, or Mackenzie Country, or Tongariro Crossing problem it's world overpopulation, in my opinion.
I'm over it and sticking to NZ from now on. We go to places where there's not much impact from humans. The elephant in the room is the effect that jet travel has on the upper atmosphere. Jets inject water vapour into the upper atmosphere and this is a greenhouse gas. In the last 11 years, I've only flown by jet once (for a manditory wedding in Akld).
tourists on mt Eden using the bushes for a toilet
81–86 of 86

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Forum The campfire
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On 10 March 2016
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