Otaki Forks access road closed for summer

Popular Kapiti picnic spot closed for summer due to rock fall risk http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/75358903/Popular-Kapiti-picnic-spot-closed-for-summer-due-to-rock-fall-risk?cid=app-iPhone This will ruin some plans this summer. Mine included.
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the carpark used to be before the roaring meg before they put the bridge in.
There is access down to the Otaki about 400 metres before the road closure (4WD only) and then another track going back up to the road about 4-500 meteres past the closure but it involves a couple of river crossings and would be no good if the river was up at all. From the late 1960s to the 1980s the "Blue Slip" was the end of the road
I've had to walk from there a couple of times, and on both occasions for me it added about 45 minutes to and hour each way. It seems significant that they're asking people not to walk across it this time. If there's a possible way across this time then I'm sure it'll not be long before there's an ad-hoc ground trail from people ignoring the direction. So, er, what sorts of comparable risk does Blue Slip present to the proposed river route that's 50 metres below the road? I've never been down that way. Is it easy enough to stay clear? Is it the type of risk where you might as well just stick to the road if you're happy to follow the river?
closing the road completely obviates the council from any responsibility in case anything should happen to any one. you'd be stupid to go through if theres any heavy rain forecast, thats the most likely time the slip will go.
I've just heard on the 5pm National Radio bulletin that they're considering helicoptering out up to 20 people who are unlikely to be aware the road's closed out of Otaki Forks. There must some serious concern that it can't be safely walked over, or under.
or no one wants to take the responsibility for deciding to open it long enough to let them out... OSH
Here it is -- http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/201784045/cliff-cracks-close-only-road-in-to-otaki-forks It sounds as if there's a background plan to investigate alternative access, possibly crossing private land.
I think that the Kapiti Cioast District Council has panicked at the thought of several hundred campers at the the forks over Christmas and New Year and the slip letting go again even in a moderate way which would trap all vehicles in there. There is not much possibility of an alternative foot access anywhere other than the existing road. I would be happy to walk past the slip as it is now as there is still a good width of existing road surface remaining and the slip is only about 50 meters wide. Not much show of any vehicle access in the forseable future. I think it just got to hard for the council and they have taken the easy way out. I'm sure that people will still use the access by foot. unless the council puts 24 hr security at the road closure site. Now there is talk of geological surveys using drones ??. I can't see anybody pushing things along until at least February. A shortened Southern Crossing coming out at the Akatarawa Saddle is a possibility
That and their most qualified engineers who know the area best are probably on holiday.
Only another 4-6hrs walk to Mangone Sth roadend from the forks via Pukeatua track - so an extended southern crossing is an option. Or for the more adventurous access to YTYY via Mick highpoint from Otaki quarry. Routes on link below if anyone needs to see them on a map. http://routeguides.co.nz/places/973?zoom=12
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