What do you eat!

As a follow on to the thread about freeze dried food, what do you eat when you go bush? Last time I went out for 3 days I had: Bfast at home: sandwiches, fruit, 2x muesli bars Steak w. instant mash, peas/corn/carrot mix, chocolate bar,tea, orange drink (pkt: cold) Muesli w. fruit, tea crackers w. tuna, muesli bar, water freeze dried 2 serve (Fettucine), crackers, fruit leather, tea, orange drink (pkt: hot) Freeze dried 1 serve (Beef hotpot), crackers, tea total: 750gms Apart from the above I carry sugar for my tea, and an emergency meal of OSM bars in my pack. Im wondering what other people carry.
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I'm not keen on the sugary stuff so I'm having a mix of brazil nuts, almonds, goji berries and pumpkin seeds instead of those disgusting oversweetened muesli bars. I tried making my own bars out of dried figs, other fruits, nuts and seeds- they didn't hold together and were a bit bitter for some reason. I could try again and try binding with egg and some gluten-free flour such as chestnut flour which I have.

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Forum Food
Started by bradley1
On 6 December 2013
Replies 50
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