
I guess the most requested addition to this site has been a discussion forum. Well here it is finally. If there's anything else you would like to see, post it here. Here are some ideas: * Uploading and sharing GPS data * Large slideshows of members' photos * Sharing of folders of photographs and other material with friends or members * Integrated relevant business advertising What else would you like to see?
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pmcke: I think the forums are inactive for three reasons: 1) the link is buried. 2) without drilling down into each one, it's not easy to see what is going on in them. 3) there is no notification of responses to your comments. I am addressing all these issues. I am adding "watch" functionality which provides notifications throughout the website. These will be available on a web page, as RSS, and as email. This is an area I am working on at present.
Looking forward to your added functionality. As you will see I have been in Dunedin over the past week so have been adding some new tracks, huts and photos. One thing I find is that all this is fairly time consuming. I was wondering if the form design could be changed so that photos could be added within the forms where you add huts and tracks. It is quite reasonable to assume that anyone adding a hut or a track would also want to add photos. Much of the data will be the same, ie Locations, tags, related objects, locations etc. So it would save a lot of entering the same data twice.
A small idea that may help with this site is to have a embedded google map with the track locations so you can easily see the tracks around a location you are interested in. If they have a gpx file then to show the track as well. This would awesome.
I actually found that there is this function on the site. I think it could be improved a little but is on the track to what I was thinking.
The biggest issue is representing tracks as lines rather than as a series of points. Once that is working, viewing all the tracks in an area will work better. It is on the development plan.
Hut bagging: OK: I'm ashamed to say it, I know it's a lot of work and of minor value, but I've been plucking up the courage for years to ask ... I'd love to see a 'been there' button on hut pages (and other stuff too, if you want). And then a link from user's pages to show where they've been. Because: a) I'm a closet hut bagger, and would secretly like to be able to keep a collection (and compete) b) I'm intrigued to know what places other users have been to ... (like 'What's pimkey (pmcke) been doing on MY doorstep posting MY local huts before I get round to it?!') Privacy, I know ... but they don't have to click the button if they don;t want others to know ...
Just because I have probably been around longer mate. I can't get much of a handle of where your local area is from your profile but I assume it is Dunedin. If so, I was born in Invercargill and passed through Dunedin about the time of my age when spending winter weekends in Rock and Pillar Huts was pleasurable. Am now in Rotorua, on my way to Cape Reinga where all spirits go to die I guess.
Madpom: actually I've had that idea and been meaning to do it for ages. I figured I'd also add dates. That way you could see a list of where you'd been recently -- and others could too if you shared it. I'll bump it up the list....
I am hoping to launch bagging tomorrow. It will be available for huts and tracks initially. I see it as a useful way to keep track of what you've done and when. It will be a private list by default. There are a surprising slew of features made possible with this feature. It remains to be seen what will make the cut for tomorrow. Possible features: * removing tracks you've done from search results; * viewing other people's lists; * seeing how many people have bagged it; * comparing your list with someone else's; * letting you know what friends have been doing recently; * finding the busy times of year for a track. It would also be possible to bag peaks if there were entries in the database for peaks. That could be enabled. Any interest?
hehe mad pom, I had never really heard the term hut-bagging until this year but figured out, although I have minimal experience compared to others, I think I too am a closet hut-bagger ... and I thought it was just me being geeky!
31–40 of 98

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