
I guess the most requested addition to this site has been a discussion forum. Well here it is finally. If there's anything else you would like to see, post it here. Here are some ideas: * Uploading and sharing GPS data * Large slideshows of members' photos * Sharing of folders of photographs and other material with friends or members * Integrated relevant business advertising What else would you like to see?
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(oops - just noticed that Matthew suggested something similar - uploading GPS shapefiles in his intro)
There is already a thread about GPS uploading at
What about a section on Te Araroa Trail? I know I could start a discussion thread on it but I was wondering about something a bit more than that. Like maybe identifying the tracks that are part of the official trail. Then people who might be planning to walk it, or sections of it, could easily see which tracks they should be looking at.
perhaps a back to topic link when you post in a forum, rather than having to go back to the start of the forums page (or am I just missing something?)
Is the Te Araroa Trail the one at the top of the North Is? My brother did a massive solo tramp for a couple of weeks along it if it is the one you mean?
It would be great if these forums were a little more active. It's be a good idea if people who had participated in a thread got an email alert when a new message appeared on the thread At the moment I have to remember which threads I have participated in and then check each one to see if a message has been responded to. You do this for the internal mail system. Would it be difficult to add this to the forums?
Great site you have here, how about making the forum link a bit more obvious. At the moment it is hidden away under the 'people' menu which might mean it gets overlooked.
pythagnz: there is now a rudimentary listing for Te Araroa and there will be a section dedicated to it. I have to collate some information...
Mealz: you can now use the breadcrumb trail up top for that.
fievels007: the Te Araroa Trail is planned to run the length of the country. There have been some new sections developed and opened in Auckland and further north.
21–30 of 98

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Started by matthew
On 14 January 2007
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