So, where are you tramping over the weekend?

Overniters or day trips. Be interesting to know where we go. The weather looks pretty crappy in general, so there may not be too much going on at the moment. We find it hard to start walking in the rain, but if it happens while we're out there it's not so bad.
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For me all that flat space produces a desolate feeling. Topped of by those big black crows. Thats got to be about the most desperate sound on a stinking hot day. "Wah Wah Wah Waaaaaaaa". out back Australia is quite a place one that you carnt imagine walking the hills of NZ.
..and vice versa I'm sure!
Had some friends just back from the Lapinta Trail near Alice Springs. They had a great time except for the red dust getting into everything and some agressive Dingos. Aparently is wasn't too hot in June but very cold at night.
For those who like bush bashing, the terrain provides a great opportunity to a "Free Zone" without a worry of being bluffed.
Definitely something that has to be experienced its a unique experience
Not totally tramping.. But am hauling a backpack through Samoa Saturday+10days, hoping to do some walking up there, anyone been up that way?
Quick trip in to Waitawheta from Woodlands road via Wairoa stream and Cashmores and out via Annanui and Waitengaue stream tracks next Friday and Saturday. Mostly for exercise and to clear the head, i have'nt had a chance to plan anything further afield.
Understandable. Back to Little Desert (at least my 3rd time); but I will be on my own this time. Still need one of the major references and keep my fingers cross.
So im looking at little Desert on google and it looks like a place you could get seriously turned around in. Almost no elevation change. I take it you mean Little Desert National Park. To go back several times it must have a draw card for you care to share. The odd ground level photo would help you loose quite a bit of perspective from 30kms up.
Had a corker 2 nighter last week, day one up to the Pinnacles, Day two down the Billy Goat track to the long trestle, took the Hihi track up to Motutapere and camped at the Kaitarakihi/ Hihi stream junction next to a little stream in the shelter of bush, Day three down to Hihi Stream. Day two was a long day, could have done with camping at Long Trestle to jump start the day. The track has been recently cut and is well marked, a good workout, plenty of mud up to .718 Hihi. No water from trestle to campsite. We got dropped off at the roadend and left a car at the flash new DOC office.
191–200 of 218

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On 4 July 2008
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