So, where are you tramping over the weekend?

Overniters or day trips. Be interesting to know where we go. The weather looks pretty crappy in general, so there may not be too much going on at the moment. We find it hard to start walking in the rain, but if it happens while we're out there it's not so bad.
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Last year I was out of action for a couple of weeks. Gashed head, elbows and knees. People kept asking me what wild place I did that. I actually tripped over the kerb outside the Post Shop in the middle of town. Most embarrassing.
Bloke in the hospital bed next to me had similar breaks to myself: fell off a barstool.
See, who needs travel insurance?
Falling off Mt Howitt or a barstool? There are pluses and minuses to both really.
The week Ive had, I could quite happily fall off a barstool this weekend :)
lets face it,the weather forecast for the weekend is not looking that great anyway so falling off a barstool may not be a bad idea!, a have a party to go to but want to go for a daytramp on sunday so i may just have to behave myself!
yea, there's always the dilemma of hauling your butt outta bed and up a mountain with a hangover from hell. My trip was cancelled this weekend so the bar stool it is! ... Its missed me this year :)
Just remember to drink heaps of water and even the biggest binge would not result in a hangover. Thinking back to my university days, I believe it was one glass of water for ever standard drink. I just scull the water so it does not eat into the drinking time. Then just before bed throw down as many glasses of water as possible.... Sports drinks also work well. Using that method I could easily consume 10 standard drinks (of whiskey mix) and feel great in the morning.
A good mountain is the best hangover cure. Longest, steepest trapline is the one to have on a morning after. By the time you sweat your way to the top the hangover will be left by the wayside, sometimes literally.
Militaris, You must still be young.
121–130 of 218

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On 4 July 2008
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