Feral activists are worse than pest 1080 fights

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they have a fair no of people who tend to get angry rather easily and don't want to listen to the science that supports 1080, let alone have a rational discussion on the subject and just how many birds its saving A lot of them are hunters who don't like the prospect of the deer getting poisoned, ignoring the fact that deer are pests as well. then there's the argument that deer just do what moas used to do anyway and are necessary... then there's the dog owners who ignore instructions to muzzle their dogs or keep them away from areas with 1080 and get very angry after they keep loosing dogs to 1080.. beam me up scotty...
Just give the activists a supply of gin traps and tell them they must set enough traps to kill 100 possums 300 rats and 275 stouts every night. Thats each activist. Each time they fail the amount they miss by is added to everyones total. Then we wont need 1080. Who wants to calculate how many traps each would need to sett to achieve this? My guess would be everyone setting 3 traps per animal caught so 2100 traps per person per night. Sounds easy enough
Isn't it over the top for Fed Farmers to be saying that people who protest against 1080 are supporting terrorism? I'm definitely no fan of the anti-1080 movement, but with this press release FF seems to be sinking to its level.
This was the terrorist comment ""These people, are so called ‘eco-terrorists’ but there’s no ‘eco’ involved at all. Just terror." are they "eco-terrorists"? Maybe an exaggeration, but given their actions - its not surprizing. its not just intimidation of staff. and its gone on since the 1970s. One nutter hijacked a helicopter, armed with rifles at Ruapehu. I don't agree that DOc should be left lone to do their job. A lot of negotiations would never have benefitted trampers if FMC and clubs etc hadn't held DOC to account. IMO, the lawful 1080 apponents should have disassociated themselves from the Looneys years ago. They just discredit everyone including those that might be classed as legit apponents of 1080. Some of the Looneys are also hunters, but that doesn't mean all hunters are totally anti 1080. There is a wide range of opinions.
My problem with the word 'terrorist' is that it's a loaded term that's being used to try and create the perception that this is something it isn't. I won't excuse the idiots for making death threats, intimidating people and everything else they've been up to, but that was already a crime long before September 2001. It still is. There was already plenty of concern that law changes reacting to that stuff gave authorities far too much ability to interpret terrorism whenever convenient, and invoke broader powers than they'd normally have. Seeing Federated Farmers throw it around so lazily, and then suggesting that anyone who protests 1080 is supporting terrorism, is unhelpful.
some of their behaviour is criminal by definition, if not terrorism by definition.
I dont think there is a single person here that actually thinks 1080 is a good idea. It just that none of us can think of a better solution
1080 gives bigger bang for the buck than any other useable solution, there are far worse poisons you could use, at least 1080 breaks down in water, no ones pretending its a perfect answer, without it there would be a lot less native birds alive and a lot more predators, if we stopped using it you'd be looking at the eventual extinction of various native species in the wild... theres no comparison to how much area you can cover for the money and in a given time frame with aerial poisoning versus land trapping...
Many of my acquaintances are anti-1080. Its actually ridiculous to label them as 'terrorists' - they are just ordinary folk with a different opinion to me. I feel sad that most of them are not people who actually go into the bush, and also because there is absolutely no way to even start a conversation to rationally discuss the subject. If the subject does come up at, say, a dinner party I forcefully and humerously say something like "Lets not go there, please!" otherwise it gets ridiculous and ruins the evening. Actually one of the worst offenders about starting those conversations is a DOC guy who is for 1080. I guess he just feels he has to defend himself all the time. Trouble is that he is as boring as the 'antis'! lol (His wife calls him 'Mr 1080!')
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