Feral activists are worse than pest 1080 fights

11–20 of 55

@Deepriver "Many of my acquaintances are anti-1080. Its actually ridiculous to label them as 'terrorists' - " I don't think all 1080 apponents were labelled "eco-terrorists", it was the ones doing all the stupid stuff like sabotage, intimidation. But what it does do, is discredit all of the anti 1080 lobby. Some of the leading spokespeople for their cause, are involved in what FF call "eco-terrorists" and they do their cause more harm than good.
Point taken, TararuaHunter. I actually knew the young guy who sabotaged some carrots before a drop on Takaka Hill a few years ago. I'd hesitate to call him a terrorist either as he was just a young person feeling utterly frustrated that the 'authorities' seemed to not want to listen to him or others like him. His passionately held views drove him to do what he felt was right - which I guess is the sort of thing that drives bomber terrorists too. A fine line, me thinks!
What sort of sabotage? If it was merely tampering with carrots due to be dropped then I wonder how it could ever be rationalised as an act intended to instil terror in a populace to achieve an outcome.
@izo"What sort of sabotage?' destruction of equipment used for preparing bait and poison, vandalizing offices/buildings, vehicles, Also, taking baits from poison areas and sprading them on public land for unsuspecting public and theyre dogs. is that "eco-terrorism"? I'm not sure, but they are nutters, if izogi.
"terrorism - the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." Yes, well I guess pouring kerosene over some carrots is not exactly violent or intimidating.
well trying to stop commercial and military ships going about their work at sea could now get you a conviction as a terrorist.
Yes, well I guess pouring kerosene over some carrots is not exactly violent or intimidating." No deepriver, but "use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." is, isn't it?
Its a wonder they dont put a tracer inside the baits to identify the batch number. Then there would be no doubt where the baits came from. Also they should stop telling us if a bait drop is dellayed. Its only a matter of time until a complaint about a drop comes in before the drop
There was a lovely story a few years ago with Paul Holmes (or maybe John Campbell), the day after a Hokonui drop, standing beside the carcass if a sheep 'killed by 1080', it's belly bloated out to bursting point ... Might have convinced a few people who've not seen dead stock ....
Then there was that case of 2 women that ignored 1080 signs to have a picnic and got dumped on suposedly
11–20 of 55

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