Discretion about family Dogs in Hut's

I have a dog, and am taking him on his first overnight tramp tomorrow. Being a family dog he is used to sleeping inside on his mat. Is it a set in corncrete that dogs are NOT allowed in huts at all? Obviously that rule seems to apply more for unruly dogs like hunting dogs but I was wondering if the dog is well trained and behaved and providing that it is ok with others sharing the hut would it be that big of a deal to have him sleep inside? I have never taken a dog with me in the outdoors before so I wouldnt know
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@KeilACarpenter I love dogs and provided it was well behaved I would have no problem with one in a hut. I'm a super deep sleeper so that helps anyway. That being said, please listen to what is being said here. Officially dogs sleep outside huts and some places aren't even allowed in the bush. Of course some people won't mind your dog inside. But you seem to coming at this from a place of "I'm bringing my dog and people who make it sleep outside etc are "hut police" and being unreasonable". No... As said, go prepared for your dog to sleep outside and make sure it's trained for that, otherwise you are being unfair to your dog as well as people. If other hut users don't mind on a given night consider it a bonus and a treat for your dog :)
My thoughts: If you have a dog in a DOC hut, I will share my displeasure in no uncertain terms. If it's not a National Park, or if it is and Kiwi-trained dogs are allowed, I'm cool with it, providing your dog has had the training. I like dogs. I like protecting endangered native species' more. But if someone is scared of dogs and asks the dog be left outside, I will back them up completely. And it goes without saying; the owner cleans up after the dog if need be.
Must say I've never known anyone to object to having dogs inside. They have been beloved family pets - more like children. However the hunting dogs usually stay outside which is what they're used to anyway. In the old days, there was a rule of no dogs allowed to sleep underneath the huts. Frank says this was due to flea problems.
I would like to echo what bohwaz said earlier that "people who have or like dogs usually don't understand that a lot of people are afraid of them and don't feel safe with dogs around, and they rarely say it." While I don't mind a well trained dog sleeping under the bench in the hut, my mother is extremely uneasy around dogs (even small dogs like Jack Russells). It would be best to assume that your dog will be sleeping outside, and take it as a bonus if you can bring him inside.
How many times has a dog owner said the dog wouldn’t harm anyone and it turns out it can be quite unpredictable in its behaviour. I remember being a paper boy and so many owners would say that, and I’d end up facing a dog baring its teeth at me growling and snapping as I tried to put the paper in the letter box or collect money
It's less so a thing in huts, but I think one of the issues around some (not all) dogs and owners is that dog owners only ever tend to see their dog when *they* are around. Dogs can often act very differently and feel less secure in the absence of their owner.
some dogs are well behave, don't stink or whatever and not noticeable if in a hut Others not so the rule is for everyone. its a basic rule of huts. who decides on exceptions. most dog owners think there dogs are fine. others may think otherwise Hunting dogs (deer) are generally well trained, more so than domestic dogs. Otherwise, they are of no use to hunters. if your dog can sleep outside, don't take it
did you mean: if you're dog "can't" sleep outside
Even dog owners like myself come across irresponsible dog owners. My family and our dog hike to the top of our local hill most days. Our dog is very well behaved and very gentle. But at all times it must heal (stay behind my left heal). It must only socialise with other dogs when both parties are at ease and only greet another human when that other human is comfortable. It blows me away how many owners let their dog run twenty metres in front of them selves. How they let they're dogs bound up to ours, even with our kids present. Many times I have kick a dog in the ribs and reprimanded an owner for their lack of etiquette and responsibility. They say oh our dog is fine. I could care less. Keep your dog under control until we ask you or it to enter our space. If you get that basic, then your dog should be fine under most situations.
Gaiters, I get what you a trying to say, but do you have similar rules for your wife & kids, too? You sound like a bit of control freak...
21–30 of 38

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