Discretion about family Dogs in Hut's

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I have a dog, and am taking him on his first overnight tramp tomorrow. Being a family dog he is used to sleeping inside on his mat. Is it a set in corncrete that dogs are NOT allowed in huts at all? Obviously that rule seems to apply more for unruly dogs like hunting dogs but I was wondering if the dog is well trained and behaved and providing that it is ok with others sharing the hut would it be that big of a deal to have him sleep inside? I have never taken a dog with me in the outdoors before so I wouldnt know
its academic in a National Park, no dogs allowed in them at all. Dogs are not allowed inside any DOC hut or lodge. In some cases there may be a kennel beside the hut. If this is not the case, please find somewhere suitable outside the hut to tie your dog. http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/know-before-you-go/dog-access/where-can-i-take-my-dog/
"Obviously that rule seems to apply more for unruly dogs like hunting dogs but I was wondering if the dog is well trained and behaved and providing that it is ok with others sharing the hut would it be that big of a deal to have him sleep inside? " Bit of a generalization - not all hunting dogs are "unruly", just as not all house pets are "well trained and behaved" The rule is for all, who decides if a dog should or shouldn't stay in a hut?
If I am in the hut, all dogs are more then welcome :) , Unless they fart or make too much noise during the night. The same applies to snorers, if they make too much noise they should be out with the dogs. Although, we would not want to keep the doggies up, might encourage them to howl... So the snorers can walk down the track a few hundred meters before bedding down.
Well I've taken two family pet dogs tramping with me, and in practice they've never caused the slightest problem inside a hut. Use your common sense; if the place is busy I'd go to Plan B and keep them outside. If the weather is decent I'd camp on the verandah, or bivvy nearby. If the weather is horrible and the poor critter looks miserable, then most people aren't going to mind letting it inside. Plenty of people like dogs and will have no problem with it inside if it's clean and sociable. If you do the decent thing and ask permission first, you are more likely to get a positive answer. Having said that, you have to be prepared that some other hut users might object and they are within their rights to ask you to keep it outside. I used to take an old fleece for our one of our dogs; she'd curl up inside it and not budge all night. On several occasions other hut users who arrived after us had no idea she was even there. I find tramping with dogs that are well trained ... and most critically ... are trained to respond to your voice, keep within sight are great company and add real value to the experience. But for their own sake, make certain you are confident about this. Too many dogs get lost in the bush every year because they get distracted, wind up out of earshot and can't find their way back to you.

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@PhilipW Thats what I was thinking - use your common sence but was thinking along the lines of not pissing off the "hut police"
peoples leniency towards dogs often revolves around what the weather is like as well as how the dog behaves. theres less excuse to have one inside in mild weather esp when theres a balcony. its academic if your dog cant handle being left outside, because sooner or later you're going to end up in a situation where people demand the dog stays outside and if the dog cant behave in that scenario, don't take it. there are some people who will be black and white, dogs stay outside. make sure your dog can handle sleeping outside before you go into a park rather than find out it howls or whimpers if its left outside.. just a reminder, none of the above applies in national parks, there is an outright ban by DOC on dogs in those parks. if a ranger sees you with a dog they will tell you to leave the park asap, I've seen it done. there are major fines if your dog kills a native bird in a park, from memory i believe one ranger quoted someone $20,000. looks like they don't even allow muzzled dogs in the park, no argument about how well behaved your dog is will change a rangers mind, unless they are working dogs like SAR dogs or DOC ones trained to track down birds..
1 deleted post from Pro-active
Ive been in a couple of huts where dogs are inside. None of these dogs were really problems but. First 2 got to sleep at the foot of a bed at Tutawai and apart from tripping over them in the morning were ok. Biggest problem was comments by others about dogs not being allowed in huts. This is true but these dogs were not an issue. Second time at Waitawaiwai the owner was informed the dog shouldnt be inside and he said the dog would bark if outside. This dog was a perfect angel inside or at least wouldnt of been if it hadnt got up 3 or 4 times during the night to have a walk round. Tap tap tap of doggy claws wakes me up every time.
I love dogs so I would have no problem with a behaved dog being inside. People are more of a problem being in huts than dogs IMO, some people tag the walls with either a marker or by burning it in with a candle - Iv even been to Tutiwai where the windows had been smashed and mattresses slashed
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