Discretion about family Dogs in Hut's

I have a dog, and am taking him on his first overnight tramp tomorrow. Being a family dog he is used to sleeping inside on his mat. Is it a set in corncrete that dogs are NOT allowed in huts at all? Obviously that rule seems to apply more for unruly dogs like hunting dogs but I was wondering if the dog is well trained and behaved and providing that it is ok with others sharing the hut would it be that big of a deal to have him sleep inside? I have never taken a dog with me in the outdoors before so I wouldnt know
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@ Keil And so do I. We both terribly miss our last old dog. She made it to 19 yrs old and was the most socialised, intelligent and responsive dog I've ever, ever encountered. And until she got a bit old for it, she was a delight to take tramping. Great memories. But having said that, I'd never assume it was OK to have her inside the hut, and if someone wasn't happy with it, you really just have to accept that in good grace. Even if as you say the dog is way better behaved than some of the people.
My dog gilly has slept in, under or next too close to one hundred huts. When ever we have a hut to ourselves, which is usually the case as we like out of the way destinations, she sleeps inside. She's a reason to get in to the hills. I've been taking her tramping since she was five months old. I used to have to carry her up cliff faces and across wire bridges. In fact she has had a photo taken outside of every hut we have been to since I've had her. I've got photo albums full of them. When she dies I'll make a book 'Gilly of the Mountains' just for my family too remember her. shes like a daughter to me.
@Gaiters "When she dies I'll make a book 'Gilly of the Mountains' just for my family too remember her." That made me smile. She sounds like a wonderful companion.
I'm glad that made you smile Philip. As you know a great dog is a special companion.
lobby DOC for for more kennels at huts, for when you cant have your dog inside.....
Hmm,memo to Lou sanson: Please free up some of that money you don't have to provide dog kennels at doc huts. They can always double up as overflow for the snorers we all put up with.
I usually like dogs, but people who have or like dogs usually don't understand that a lot of people are afraid of them and don't feel safe with dogs around, and they rarely say it. I personally think pets don't have their place in the bush, as they can disturb native animals. And yes people can disturb wildlife too, but whether people should be allowed or not in wilderness areas is another topic...
@bohwaz All good points. It reinforces why it is important to politely ask each party if they are ok with your dog inside the hut. And to gracefully accept a "no" if you get one. A well trained dog should stay in sight and hearing at all times. I'd never let mine just run about at will, for just the reason you mention. Plus there is always the risk the dog will get lost if you let that happen. Also there is 'kiwi aversion' training available in various locations from time to time. If you know there is the chance your dog might encounter one where you are going, it's probably a smart idea. But for me it's a step too far to suggest dogs have no place in the bush. That really isn't a different topic to whether people should be kept out as well.
We take our dog for walks into the bush, but her ears are painted on so she stays on a lead at all times. At home she sleeps inside and wouldn't know what to do if she had to sleep outside. She also has medical stuff which mean she can't really sleep out in the cold. Outcome..........would never take her to a public hut, because it wouldn't be fair on her, or the other people staying having to listen to her cry all night. Now if there were huts that you could book outright so you know you are the only people..... that might be a different case ;)
theres a dog kennel at the te anau visitor centre with a big logo of a dog food company on the side, sponsored dog kennels at huts....
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