wild survivor choice tv

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anyone watching this? an aussie playing bear grylls in NZ he just got attacked by a wild pig in abel tas, complete woos, what a laugh... last week was Tarawera, couldnt hack the cold.. https://www.choicetv.co.nz/#!/browse/film/1101/wild-survivor
he's a complete arse. paniicking seals on the coastline, keeps advancing on them when the law says you have to give them space
You're not doing a great job of selling it to me.
its a shocker, completely irresponsible behaviour around seals, you're not allowed within 25 metres of them on land or in the sea unless they approach you in the water.. they dont normally like you coming close to them on land at all, they either run or may on occasion attack if they feel cut off..
Do you think DOC's likely to be aware, as the agency that mostly administers and prosecutes under the Wildlife Act? Or is it a low-budget thing that they've slipped in and out to film under the radar? (Choice seems to want me to log in if I click that link.)
you have to register to view their online content who knows if doc were aware they were filming, i'm assuming he wasnt informed how to behave around hte seals. its in the off season, theres no sign of other people on the beaches. you need DOC permission and have to pay to film commercially in the parks.. I"ve written to the nelson office about the problems with the show. if DOC knew about the filming theres been a major problem in either them not informing the film crew about how to behave with seals, or the film crew doing what they pleased... the seals were struggling to negotiate large rocks in a hurry to get to the sea...
Another avenue would also be a Broadcasting Standards complaint, if it breaks (probably) the Law and Order standard... which is about encouraging audiences to break the law, undermining or promoting disrespect for the law. http://bsa.govt.nz/standards/commentary-on-the-standards That's another process, though. Those types of judgements can take ages and sometimes end up fairly toothless (like forcing a broadcaster to apologise when nobody's watching), and it's necessary to complain to the broadcaster first. If what they're doing is that bad then I reckon DOC at least *should* be the most responsible agency for taking action.
I watched the Tarawera episode last year and thought the guy was a total dick. Pointless TV for the dumb....
Hey Wayne. Did you mean Wild Survivor New Zealand at https://www.choicetv.co.nz/#!/browse/tv/227/season/1/wild-survivor-new-zealand ? I finally got that video to work, but the one you linked to seemed to be all in Australia. Edit: Also, I agree. What a plonker. At 27 minutes episode 1, he's totally overdramatised a simple river crossing in good weather. But I've been skipping bits so I take it that's just an example? For reference, in episode 2 the pig thing is around 24 minutes. The seal harrasment thing is at about 37 minutes.
..and after seeing that, especially the 37 minute thing, I have also emailed DOC Nelson/Tasman.
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