Leaving your car at road ends

Hey all. I'm wanting some opinions and/or experiences of leaving your vehicles at road ends for tramps. Is the chance of theft/damage high or just occasional? I guess it also depends on which part of the country you're in and what kind of vehicle you have? i.e. looking to do four days in Whirinaki Forest in the next few weeks and luckily have a modern work vehicle so hoping I'll be ok. Are there any secret tricks you employ (without giving the game away for potential forum lurking thieves) to decrease your chances of theft/damage?
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some places in the tararuas you could have problems, walls whare was a bad place and kaitoke where you'd leave your ar at the camp down the road for a gold coin donation, otaki forks stopped being a problem when then put a full time ranger in residence in and moved the carpark next to the rangers. mate did an overnight trip in the hunuas, ute stolen, found burnt out.
Generally if there's any broken glass at a carpark, go park somewhere else if you're doing an overnight.
"Generally if there's any broken glass at a carpark, go park somewhere else if you're doing an overnight." you may want to apply the above if theres a burnt out car in the carpark also...
Too true…that was seen at the Hunts Creek/Kelly Tops carpark in APNP just two months ago…
Frank and I were camped in the fringes of the bush at that car park a while ago and someone drove in late at night, drove around and then drove off. Hmmm...
My partner and I were followed into that car park one time. When I say followed, I mean a car drove up behind us on the highway, we pulled off the road somewhere else for some reason, we turned and drove back the other way, the same car watched us go by then drove right on our bumper, then turned in where we did at Kelly's, blocking us in. There was something of a hostile stand-off while the guy asked who we were and what we were looking for, then swore at and abused us. It was all a bit odd.
Must've stumbled across their plantation @matthew :-)
Ha I did think that, although it was right by the road.
Might also of been local neighborhood watch looking for undesirables although local hood sounds more likely
It absolutely sucks that this is happening at all. Otira have their own unique population who... if you happen to drive through the village and past the hotel in the latest Audi Allroad Quattro... may just give you a mass moonie from the veranda.
31–40 of 43

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