Leaving your car at road ends

Hey all. I'm wanting some opinions and/or experiences of leaving your vehicles at road ends for tramps. Is the chance of theft/damage high or just occasional? I guess it also depends on which part of the country you're in and what kind of vehicle you have? i.e. looking to do four days in Whirinaki Forest in the next few weeks and luckily have a modern work vehicle so hoping I'll be ok. Are there any secret tricks you employ (without giving the game away for potential forum lurking thieves) to decrease your chances of theft/damage?
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If the road end really is too risky my fall back option is to stick an old bike in the boot, or on a tow-bar rack, and then park at some helpful landowner's yard back down the road somewhere. Then ride the bike up to the road end and hide it in the bush. Won't work in all situations, but worth a try in some cases. At least you won't spend the whole tramp stressing about the car.
I just take the company car :-)
many years ago (mid 80s) The Catchpool carpark had a bad reputation despite being a doc camp with ranger on site. Parked there one weekend tramping and the wife left the window down. Her wallet credit cards etc were untouched but she still learnt as it rained all weekend and if anyone remembers the bucket shaped vinyl seats in Hilman Avengers you will know what her ride home was like
I used to travel around a lot and these were the areas I was concerned about: Northland especially the Far North. (I used to live up there and it was sad the number of tourists who had their holidays ruined. My friends lost all their tramping/camping gear on Christmas Day near Kaikohe - what a present!) Rotorua and east of there. Taupo S. Island seems generally OK But I guess it often comes down to luck and/or being prepared.
ask around for places near park entrances that will look after your car for a few dollars. various tourist oriented companies will often do so. when I was in wellington it was widespread knowledge amongst trampers where you could leave your car safely and where you couldn't and where you could get your car looked after. a friend claimed some places he claimed (not the tararuas) ran a protection racket, you essentially paid people to look after your car who would damage or steal it if you didn't pay them...
Gary at Whirinaki Forest Holidays could help you.
Slept the night in my van at the road end to the start of the whirinaki around New Years. Such a primeval spot. Like being back 300 years. Great spot. Huge podocarps plenty of native bird life, kaka kaka tiki etc Minginui is the town time forgot though.
"Like being back 300 years". Except with a motor vehicle. ;)
300 years ago you might have been running for your life from the locals :)
I'm tellin' ya, these forums need a 'like' button..... Wayno, your comment warrants a 'like', mate. ;)
11–20 of 43

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