Leaving your car at road ends

Hey all. I'm wanting some opinions and/or experiences of leaving your vehicles at road ends for tramps. Is the chance of theft/damage high or just occasional? I guess it also depends on which part of the country you're in and what kind of vehicle you have? i.e. looking to do four days in Whirinaki Forest in the next few weeks and luckily have a modern work vehicle so hoping I'll be ok. Are there any secret tricks you employ (without giving the game away for potential forum lurking thieves) to decrease your chances of theft/damage?
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Otira Isnt that where if you stop at the lights you lose your tyres
that also happens in Otara...
yeah you have to be careful where you go in some parts of the north island, theres a few uneasy scenes sometimes when dope heads are convinced recreational outdoors people are after their crops because thats the only possible reason anyone would go into the outdoors...
41–43 of 43

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Forum The campfire
Started by EvoSmith
On 22 July 2015
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