
Macpac have a pair on sale for $62 less 30%. Any thoughts on whether a strap or wire is best under the boot? These ones have a strap.
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@Honora When Chris and I were in Dusky a couple of months we routinely cooked inside the tent. Used one of those old upright Primus white spirits stoves (the ones without a pump and with that distinctive purr) with no problems at all. Just had to carefully follow the same procedure every time. Even used to cook breakfast without getting out of the pit! Same reason - sandflies.
@PhilipW I suppose that's true of most things we wear. I must pop into Submarine 12 sometime and try one on. Hardly a proper test but I am curious all the same. For now though I'm quite happy with my Macpac Torre & Pursuit. Still you don't know what you don't know, maybe I'll try one on and become a devotee.
I've always been curious to know if having front pockets on a pack makes you extra hot and sweaty as there is less exposed body surface to loose heat from? And how do they go on bush bashing? I'm on to my second pair of macpac gaiters (current stye). I'll will only buy canvas type ones as the synthetics get too sweaty in hot weather and with short legs the macpac ones are the only ones I have found that don't come right up into the back of my knee. Body shape plays a big part in what gaiters you get as length of lower leg and circumference of calf vary so much between people that what suits one person will be no good on another.
@stunted I have used a front camera bag for some time, can be seen in profile pic. It is attached to macpac cascade and hangs just a little off the body thus there is an air gap. Has served me well for a long time, never noticed any over heating problems and it has bush bashed through a fair amount of rough stuff. Currently have an aarn effortless rythm with camera pockets on front they also allow for air gap.
Even though some of you have got completely off track and ended up discussing using a stove in a tent(!), I'll tell you how my new gaiters went in the snow a few weeks ago. The short answer is very good even when I wore light crampons at times. No problems with the strap underneath although the hook which attaches to the laces kept lifting off, not that it seemed to make any difference. The gaiters felt comfortable and stopped snow getting into my boots so all in all I think this Macpac product is a good one. Now continue you discussion on how to get carbon monoxide poisoning while out tramping in the bush, where part of the attraction I always thought, is the fresh air.
You hooking onto the very start of the lacing, nearest the toe ?. I find if the under-strapping goes, gaiters tend to rise at the back. Never had a problem with the front hook. May be okay if stomping around on top with crampons, but not so good when it gets muddy.
Thanks for the advice Pro-active. Yes I did use the very start of the lacing but I notice you're hook goes under the lace where as mine hooks over. That could be the problem. I'll squeeze the hook closed a bit more and that might hold it. I also notice you wear your gaiters a lot lower on the boot than I do so I'll try tightening the under boot strap a bit more to get the gaiters lower on the boot. Thanks for the picture.
Aah, that ain't me. :0 Just a pic of hooking at the end. I also hook over the top. Hooking underneath looks to be a pain ?. The pictured gaiters don't look particularly low to me. Boot is well sunk into mud. Gaiters stop before the rand, which disappears below the soil surface. You can only strap them down so far. After that they won't fit smoothly. If the fabric goes onto the rand, it'll take a beating & wear out. Without going outside to check, my posted pic (also not me) 16 June 18:38 looks about right.
Oooh! Wait til I show you lot a pic of my Dirty Girl gaiters! ;) (By the way: how the heck DO I post a pic on here)??
@stunted Yes, the front pockets do trap the sweat in. I try to avoid bush bashing when wearing my Aarn packs because the front pockets simply get in the way and are a bit fragile, get caught on things ect. They are also a nuisance when running, they bounce around and simply get in the way. Other then that they are excellent packs.
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