
Hi. Im planning on buying a headlamp and have always wanted a Petzel. However due to $ restraints Im thinking that I should 'consider' other brands such as Black Diamond which are slightly cheaper. Does anyone have any feedback on Black Diamond? I dont know anything about wattage or output or hallogen or whatever but will primarily be using it to see tracks while tramping on sunset and just before dawn etc. Is there a 'noticeable' difference in quality/output or am I just being a brand snob by wanting a Petzel?
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I've read some great books I've found in huts. There's a book in Big Tops that I always try to read when I'm there. I love it. Alas, it's only the middle bit of the book and I've no idea what it's called. It's set in New York in the 60's and features a firm called "Edith Lacey Interiors". There used to be a feature on Anna K in the CUTC Avoca Hut. Frank took the bibles out because there were fireplaces in the huts but not much kindling...Would you like one? They were put there by Ray Prouting but looked pretty dusty!
I tried a google on "Edith Lacey Interiors" and the only thing that comes up is the above post :-(
Maybe i could get the tent interior done. Something in mauve might be nice.
I'd recommend yellow for those days when you're stuck in the tent. I tried googling it too to find the book.
I tried searching Google Books for "Lacey Interiors", and it popped up a 1957 book called "The Love Seekers" by Leonora Hornblow. According to Google, that term only appears 3 times, and it's part of the phrase "Enid Lacey, Interiors" (always with a comma, and Enid rather than Edith). http://books.google.co.nz/books?id=-PsEAQAAIAAJ&q=%22Lacey+Interiors%22&dq=%22Lacey+Interiors%22&hl=en&ei=HE3GS6mSIIeksgP01em2DQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAA It even has an editorial review! http://books.google.co.nz/books?sitesec=reviews&id=-PsEAQAAIAAJ
i ahve this headlamp here http://www.trademe.co.nz/Sports/Camping-outdoors/Torches/Headlamps/auction-283355142.htm and it is amazing, i have shot possums with this from 40-50 metres away :)
How? Does it have bullets too?
Gee izogi, you are brilliant. I have looked it up in the current book database and, while there are many books by Leonora Hornblow, there are none called The Love-Seekers. There are 2 books called Love-Seekers by other authors but both of those are out of print. Looks like this is a very old book, or has been retitled. Honora may have to go to Google Books read the beginning and the end.
Hehe. It looks as if someone tried to sell a copy on Trademe in September last year. http://www.trademe.co.nz/nz/auction-242886418.htm That's the only reference I can find in New Zealand. The National Library seems to have a consolidated search catalogue of many NZ libraries ( http://nzlc.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?PAGE=bbSearch&SEQ=20100415161844&PID=shIdFJl5f__6JFZQHu2dPBaTwQ ... is this the Current Book Database to which you referred?) Unfortunately it's not popping up any results for the book in New Zealand libraries. The author apparently died in 2005 according to The Guardian ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/2005/nov/16/guardianobituaries.booksobituaries ) and her obituary says The Love Seekers was her second novel.
I work in a bookshop and we use http://www.nielsenbookdataonline.com as our main reference for books. It is a subscription service. But that book wasn't there and you found it. I am impressed. Wish we were as good for all of our customers. :-)
41–50 of 58

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