
Hi. Im planning on buying a headlamp and have always wanted a Petzel. However due to $ restraints Im thinking that I should 'consider' other brands such as Black Diamond which are slightly cheaper. Does anyone have any feedback on Black Diamond? I dont know anything about wattage or output or hallogen or whatever but will primarily be using it to see tracks while tramping on sunset and just before dawn etc. Is there a 'noticeable' difference in quality/output or am I just being a brand snob by wanting a Petzel?
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Uh! I have one vice...reading late at night. Especially if the fire's cranking in a heap of embers.
You said you were a "gram weenie fanatic" yet you take books!
You always have to take a book! Just a weenie one, not an encyclopedia.
It's too long in a tent on any night. Gotta take a book. Last trip i took a book from itunes on an ipod shuffle. It doesn't get any lighter than that. I'd still rather a hard copy.
Yeah, a book is good, especially if you are on your own. I recommend the Popular Penguins http://www.popularpenguins.com.au/ . They are small and light and only cost $12.99 each, cheap enough to double as toilet paper if you wish to.
Hmm...reminds me Frank's got 2 bibles he took out from the musterers huts. NO way do I take books, pmcke! I'm just a compulsive reader once I get to the huts. Lots of westerns in Crooked Spur among the Readers Digests. Worst reading is that DoC Conservation magazine. They take out all the good magazines like "Rod and Piffle" and leave those...
Nicking bibles from huts!! How low can you go. A mate of mine took a new testament on a 10 day long trip as reading material. He said it was the lightest book he could find and about the only one he hadn't read. After he had read Matthew Mark and Luke he was complaining that it was just the same story over and over again! I was going to complain about all those hunting mags, that is what I get sick of. You would think there would be the odd girlie one amongst them, but no. These damn hunters have a one tracked mind! The only decent book I think I ever found in a hut was a SciFi I found in Waipakahi Hut. I took it home with me to finish it and you have just remined me... it is about time I took it back.
I've been amazed at the number of *different* hunting magazines that exist. Every time I think I've seen them all, I arrive somewhere and discover one with yet another title. The only vaguely tramping magazine I can think of by comparison is Wilderness, which often seems to be grasping at straws to continue its existence, and maybe the FMC bulletin if it counts as a magazine rather than a thick and colourful newsletter.
Last i looked in Esquilant bivvy in Wright Col on Earnslaw there was a few pages left of a magazine featuring Anna Kournikova. Not exciting enough though to warrant a trip specifically to retrieve them.
I was talking to a friend who said he was talking to an editor of one of these pig hunting magazines. He said his biggest challenge was finding new and creative ways to depict pictures of dead and gutted pigs from month to month.
31–40 of 58

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