
Hi. Im planning on buying a headlamp and have always wanted a Petzel. However due to $ restraints Im thinking that I should 'consider' other brands such as Black Diamond which are slightly cheaper. Does anyone have any feedback on Black Diamond? I dont know anything about wattage or output or hallogen or whatever but will primarily be using it to see tracks while tramping on sunset and just before dawn etc. Is there a 'noticeable' difference in quality/output or am I just being a brand snob by wanting a Petzel?
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Thanks guys! You found my book. I'll have to get a copy even though the review has told me a bit of the plot. It is so badly worded though: "Eddy is something better than a heel". Does this mean he is even worse than nothing better than a heel or he is not quite as bad as a heel. I'll have to find out when I read the book.
I saw that headlamp when I was on the NWC. The guy who had it was really impressed and showed us the beam. Can't go the weight of course being a gram weenie! However it would have been nice to be wearing when we walked the last hour to Rakeahua Hut from Fred's Camp in the dark. I wouldn't have got so many abrasions and bruises in the booby-trapped watery mud that's for sure. My 30g headlamp is not nice for night tramping at all.
Boy does my body sympathise walked the last 3/4 of an hour into duckville hut friday night with my small lamp through groves of ongaonga im still tingling. Worse still the next morning the track was easy to find and it avoided the ongaonga:)
Nothing more enlightening than the early morning daylight revealing the track you needed to be on the night before...when you had that epic instead.
Whats really enlightening is waking up on cold hard ground after a frustrating night in a white out rolling over and bumping into the hut steps:)
Bloody hell! You need a gps for your birthday.
It was a few years ago before GPS but its still recalled as if it was yesterday. Your most embarrising moments are the easiest remembered even if the only person to witness them are yourself.
I would recommend the Led Lenser H5 you can pick them up for 50$ easy and the go from flood to a spot light are great lights with ten year guarantee. You can pick these up from all good hunting stores.
51–58 of 58

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