Whats everyone got planned?

I know that we have had this type of thread before but I figure seen as there isnt much happening on this website at the moment I just thought I would ask what everyone is up to, Have ya got anything planned for the weekend or training ya self up for a big tramp during the summer? Just thought I would see what everyones up to, its good to read about other peoples tramping trips plus it also gives ya a few ideas for tramping trips of your own.
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just did the Pouakai circuit and had 2 days of fabulous views of Taranaki and then walking out in rain, hail and gale winds. This area is so beautiful :)
Just back from the southern section of the Hauhangaroa track Pureora forest park. the knees held up this time unlike the wander to cascade I thought i would never walk again after that up and down. Did the Hauhangaroa from the southern end in wind, rain, hail and thunder and despite the weather I still have trouble believeing the sheer volume of bird life and bird song this place is worth a visit.
Hey bigpaul, yep that walk into cascade can catch you out the first time you do it. All that down hill is hard on the knees!
Must be something about tramping dulling the senses i distinctly remember, after the fact, having the same problem last time.
Leading a club trip this weekend to Waitawheta Hut. Looks like there might be a break in the weather by then so it looks good.
Thought i might try an easy walk next week and wander into upper Matakuhia hut Friday and Saturday.
Moerangi circuit this friday and saturday 2nd attempt at whirinaki walking this winter the road should be in one piece this time
Anyone walked into Waihohonu hut from the Desert Road? WOndering how long it takes (DOC says 1.5 hours) and if the car park is safe. Thinking of doing a tramping/skiing combo this weekend, walking in and out of Waihohonu or another hut somewhere... and skiing during the day.
We were travelling along the Desert Rd yesterday and drove in to have a look. Track sign said 1.5 hrs. The track is only a 100m off the road, but at least the carpark is out of sight from the road. It's probably not incredibly safe though.
You used to be able to drive your car along cross country past the carpark for a a 100m or so and there was a good place you could back into and park 1 car quite out of site. It will depend on how the ruts are like whether you can get a car up. It is about 1.5 hours to the hut, it's a good fast track all the way so you might do it a bit quicker if you get some pace on.
221–230 of 341

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