Where do you carry your PLB?

I've read differing opinions on where to carry a PLB: In your pack In your pocket Clipped to shoulder strap On a lanyard round your neck It goes on and on really Where do you think the best place is to carry one? To me it makes sense to carry one on your person, but how tough are they? Is it going to get broken if you fall on a rock for example? Any opinions would be great.
11–20 of 27

Top of pack for me. I don't often have pockets or consistent layers of clothing, so haven't figured that one out. I don't tend to leave my pack very frequently, though.
I dont have my own so when I carry a PLB it is a rental. It is cheap insurance ($40 for a week) for some peace of mind. I probably carry one 80% of the time as I am often out by myself. Normally i carry it in the top lid of my pack, if I am going away from my pack, I have made a neck lanyard out of para cord and a carabiner that I attach it to. I also use this method when crossing rivers, so that I still have it if I come a cropper.
Once found myself dangling by the neck off the top of a deer fence on one occasion, suspended by the cord on my radio. The radio had managed to wrap itself once completely round a wire down on the far side. I went off cords round my neck after that ... Since then, if I want something round my neck, I use the lanyards that come with our Icom radios which have a plastic connector which acts as a deliberate break-point under (I'd guess) about 10kg of force . But that also increases the risk of losing the item ...
Its kind of a stop gap solution, Im not a hugh fan of lanyards for that reason but it seemed like the easiest solution. Normally I will tuck it down the front of my shirt before I start walking/river crossing so it doesnt get caught up
I've wondered similar stuff about lanyards. The main situations I can think of when I might lose my pack (involuntarily) are ones when I couldn't see a lanyard having any better-a-chance. I sometimes clip some small things to my pack (camera, mug, etc) using those those fake carabiner clips, usually with multiple points of attachment. For those who haven't gone as far as the dedicated harness which @Damon mentioned, do people anchor stuff in any special way? I've lost a compass once, which I'd thought was securely tied to a clip on my shorts. Somehow it was swept away without me noticing during an unscheduled pack float. :)
I use a belt pouch to store all those little essentials such as pocket knife, headlamp, lighter, map, compass, snacks, camera etc. as my main pack has no pockets. Bonus thing is that if you take off your pack, the pouch remains with you. Learnt this idea from an old dear culler. I'm not a fan of lanyards as they get in the way of pack straps and they swing and bang around. I like to keep the outside of the pack as "clean" as possible, it prevents all those "I swore I attached the ???" moments.
In my packs lid, for me.
"I like to keep the outside of the pack as "clean" as possible, it prevents all those "I swore I attached the ???" moments." I definitely don't attach sleeping maps or poles or have anything loosely dangling on the outside. Everything important goes inside for me. I've seen so much of that stuff go missing for other people as soon as we venture off-track. I've found for me, though, that the front (like front of hip belt, and sternum strap) seems to be relatively well protected when bush-bashing, so I can get away with stashing snacks and camera there. I tend to attach at multiple points though.
The Aarn packs have the front balance bags. Not having one of those, I went to Hunt & Fish & got an ammo pouch-type bag that threads onto my hip belt & sits out in front. Probably same as NZBazza ?. PLB, first aid essentials, wool balaclava or anything I might want to get without having to unpack, are in my pack lid or top of the pack (with my rain coat). Camera attaches to shoulder strap by carabiner so it's easy reach, but otherwise in my sight. If I'm not using a water bladder system, then a nice flat ex-mouthwash bottle fits into my ammo pouch. Might attach tent to the back of the pack, but will double wrap it to guard from rip damage. Not a fan of tying hut shoes or tucking wet socks for drying to the outside of the pack. also haerd too many stories of gear found lost !.
These loss of gear stories are the exact reason I have for wanting to make a gear bra. A Lycra crop top type arrangement with a couple of pockets and attachment points so as not to need to have lanyards around the neck and not needing to worry about what piece of clothing I'm wearing.
11–20 of 27

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