Where do you carry your PLB?

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I've read differing opinions on where to carry a PLB: In your pack In your pocket Clipped to shoulder strap On a lanyard round your neck It goes on and on really Where do you think the best place is to carry one? To me it makes sense to carry one on your person, but how tough are they? Is it going to get broken if you fall on a rock for example? Any opinions would be great.
Well, an avalanche transceiver is usually worn in a special harness which straps around your chest. This is worn inside your jacket, usually over your thermals. The reason for this is that often the clothes are ripped off a person in an avo, the theory is that the harness will stay on. I reckon a PLB should be carried in much the same way (or in a jacket pocket), but it would depend on what kind of terrain your travelling in too. Not much use inside your pack if your packs not with you.
For me it must remain on my person at all times. I carry mine in a chest pocket. I don't want a fall, river crossing gone wrong, or most embarrassing of all, straight out lost pack to leave me stranded.
Mine lives in the lid of my pack. If I'm separated from my pack, it goes in my pocket (I've got a zipped one on my shorts, it fits in there nicely). Same thing happens when I cross rivers.
I agree that inside a pocket or pouch on your person is going to be best. If you have it in your pack and have a fall or get swept away in a river, you don't want it entertaining the eels while you're downstream with a broken leg. Clipped to a belt or in an unzipped pocket runs the risk of it falling off or coming unclipped so a zipped pocket or something similar to a map pouch round your neck would be best.
The harness is a really good idea Damon. I've thought about making a next to skin 'gear bra' before which would carry the essential items for survival. Yet to follow through on it.
Would admit, that mine spends most of its time in the boot of my truck. When I decide/remember to bring it I store it in my pack.
yea they come with any decent transceiver, you may even be able to get them by themselves
Its a tough call but personally still safer in the bottom of my pack. I've lost / broken enough gpss, pdas and radios carrying them on my person to know that for me the chance of loss outside is greater than the chance of being separated from my pack.
1 deleted post from strider
Isn’t it funny the decisions technology forces us to make. They are Personal Locators so all the accepted advice is to carry them on your person, which I find impractical, as I carry mine for a group of 3 or 4. It would be ideal if everyone could carry one on their person but that is just not economically practical for small family groups. Mixed or larger groups may well be able to have several amongst designated carriers, but for us it’s a more of a GLB, so I keep it in a pouch on the front of my shoulder strap and everyone knows where it is and can get access to it easily. It depends on what is most likely to happen to cause you to need it and so it becomes a percentage call. The most obvious need is injury/illness to yourself or one of your group that requires urgent medical evacuation. There will always be scenarios where access to my pack is impossible, just as there will be scenarios where if I kept it on me all the time I would not be able to use it, or others could not access it. Carrying a PLB doesn’t change the risk (or shouldn’t) but it does change the likelihood of a good outcome if we need to use it.
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