Where do you carry your PLB?

I've read differing opinions on where to carry a PLB: In your pack In your pocket Clipped to shoulder strap On a lanyard round your neck It goes on and on really Where do you think the best place is to carry one? To me it makes sense to carry one on your person, but how tough are they? Is it going to get broken if you fall on a rock for example? Any opinions would be great.
21–27 of 27

The gear-bra sounds a good idea - but I'm not sure I'd like it against my skin on a hot day ... the main reason I don't go for Aarn packs also - need ventilation. Be ok in winter though ... or for hunting & the like where there's less activity. Bumbags are the place I've lost most gear from. I guess it depends on the type of tramping you're doing, but in a day of crawling under scrub or through / over windfall, or active movement like track/scrub-cutting, the zips, poppers, straps that hold stuff in always seem to find ways of opening, breaking, bursting. Lost a couple of radios, several skinning knives, a GPS and multiple tubes of cyanide this way. The latter aren't as bad as they sound (before anyone considers prosecution- they were retrieved within minutes) as you use them regularly enough that there's generally only a few 10s of meters to go back looking. The GPS, radio and knives, being less frequently used, are harder to find. An EPIRB, which you (almost) never use, how far would I go before I noticed? Probably not till the end of the day ...
Real bras/crop tops are very useful pockets for small items for those of us who wear them normally. A PLB might be a bit bulky though... and not the nicest next to the skin when working/sweating hard. My PLB lives in my pack to ensure it doesn't go astray when crashing through the scrub.
Thanks everyone for sharing where you keep yours, and your thoughts and ideas. When I have a spare moment I'll collate everything and post back here.
top pocket of my pack, unless i'm leaving my pack for any length of time, then its in my pocket on me..
I was doing some research today on PLBs and I came across this which I thought was real interesting: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10564718 "Mr Smith and Mountain Safety Council spokesman Chris Tews recommended that trampers always take a reliable means of communication - either a mountain radio, satellite phone, or 406MHz emergency beacon. "Always ensure the emergency communication device is securely affixed to your person so it is not dislodged when moving through bush or in a fall," said Mr Tews, the council's programme manager and outdoor leader." Like I thought, but yep hella uncomfortable really when your tramping!
Results: 15 responses Carry on person at all times - 5 Carry in pack at all times - 6 Carry in pack but move to person if leaving pack/rivercrossing etc- 4 Interesting results. Reading some of the results, people have very good reasons for why they do it the way they do, and shows there isn't any hard and fast rules. Thanks everyone for giving your 2 cents worth.
my fastfind comes with a neck lanyard, so its possible to have it slung loose under your top layer
21–27 of 27

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